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Working from home for a long time can cause permanent deformities

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According to the Dailymail’s report, Furniture at Work researchers conducted a study on what people who work from home will look like 70 years from now.

The research team created a virtual character they named “Anna” using a University of Leeds study that found that a third of UK home workers do not have a dedicated workspace at home.

“We used scientific research to visualize the effects of not having a suitable environment to work from home, and to reveal what the remote workers of the future might look like,” said the Furniture at Work researchers. health We worked with experts.”

“Anna will likely face mental health problems as well as many physical disorders due to her constant use of technological devices, prolonged screen viewing and inappropriate posture,” the researchers wrote. used the phrases.

In the study, it was noted that due to “Anna” working in bed, her back would become hunched and her shoulders would deform, her eyes would become red and swollen from constantly looking at the screen, and her hands would take the shape of claws from holding mice for long hours.

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In addition, it was stated that “Anna”, who has the potential to gain excessive weight due to inactivity, will weaken her immune system due to not getting enough fresh air, and she will remain in constant anxiety and depression.


“Workers from home should take regular breaks to stretch and move their bodies to avoid back and neck pain,” said Brian Clark, founder of United Medical Education. He advised those who work from home to create a special workspace.

Sarah Gibson, Director of Proactive Healthcare, drew attention to the “20-20-20” rule.

“Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen for 20 seconds and focus on an object 20 feet away,” Gibson said.
