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Why winter is an ideal time for lasers –

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Summer may seem far away in the middle of winter, but now is the ideal time to take care of your body and face and make the necessary preparations/treatments so that you can welcome it refreshed.
“If hair removal is the last thing you would think of doing in the middle of winter, consider that this season of reduced sunlight, closed spaces, cold temperatures is ideal for treating yourself with the effectiveness of lasers. In a few words, winter (among others) is an opportunity for laser treatments on the body and the face,” says Mr Dr. Georgios A. PapageorgiouMD, PhD FEBOPRAS, Plastic Surgeon, Metropolitan Hospital.

Why laser in winter

  • The sun is further away and that means we don’t have summer temperatures, nor their unnatural duration for long periods of time.
  • Even in our sunny country, because of the cold we spend more time indoors, so we are even less exposed to solar radiation.
  • We have more to full body coverage and better neck and (to a lesser extent) face coverage.

How do these conditions help the laser?

The coverage provided by the clothing acts protectively for the skin which, after the laser, is for a time more sensitive to light and the sun. Thus, in winter, the possibility of discoloration and discoloration of the skin is reduced.

The fact that we stay in longer helps with recovery, in case redness or swelling (swelling) appears after the laser.

Also, as most laser treatments require more than one session to achieve the desired result, in winter we can complete the required number of applications, without rush and time pressure.

What are the laser treatments we can do?

Fractional laser

The fractional laser is a revolutionary, non-ablative laser, which is used to treat all signs of photoaging, mainly on the face, eyelids and neck.

Its originality lies in the fact that it targets the deeper layers of the epidermis and the underlying skin, leaving the outer layers of the epidermis intact.

This is how they are achieved: Faster healing with shorter recovery time and quick return of the treated person to work and activities.

Fractional laser effectively tightens loose skin while improving wrinkles, lines, sagging, furrows and discoloration.

Depending on the needs of the skin, 4 to 6 sessions applied every 15 or 30 days are needed.

Fractional laser treatment is well tolerated and is performed without the use of local anesthesia.

After its application, a small swelling is observed on the eyelids for 2-3 days and redness on the face and neck for 1-2 days, which can be easily covered with make up.

Fractional laser treatment can be combined with all injectable treatments such as mesotherapy, PRP, treatment with botulinum toxin (botox) and hyaluronic acid.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is extremely safe and, at the same time, has definite and guaranteed results. It works as follows: The laser beam targets the melanin of the hair, is absorbed by it and at the root of the hair follicle a strong thermal energy is created which destroys (“burns”) the hair.

“Younger” hairs are more vulnerable than older ones, which is why a repeat hair removal session is usually required after 30-40 days. It can be done on all parts of the body and face, while, for a very good general result, 6-8 sessions are required.

CO₂ (carbon dioxide) laser

As you know, a laser is a beam of light with monospectral radiation. The carbon dioxide laser is so named because the medium for emitting the laser beam is carbon dioxide (CO₂) gas.

It emits at a wavelength between 9.4 and 10.6 m, in the infrared spectrum.

The carbon dioxide laser is absorbed by water, which is the basic component of human tissues. This means that where the particular laser is applied, sublimation of the tissue is caused.

This is why the carbon dioxide laser is used to treat benign skin lesions such as papillomas (moles), hyperkeratotic lesions (hardening of the outer part of the skin, the stratum corneum), small skin tumors (such as hidradenomas – rare and unusual benign tumors for which the sweat glands are responsible for), warts, ant-like lesions (ants).


“In the treatment-sublimation area, a crust first forms, which is treated with antibiotic creams (with or without cortisone), regenerating creams and sun protection.
Getting rid of the crust is easy and the result of the treatment is excellent,” concludes Dr. Papageorgiou.


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