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Which parts of Istanbul are most at risk of measles? Fatal risk warning after 8-10 years

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Turkey, which has been in the first place in Europe with 98 percent vaccination rates in childhood vaccination success until the last few years, has been affected by the interruption of primary care vaccination processes in the pandemic, intensifying waves of immigration, and especially with the effect of increasing anti-vaccination and indecision in the last few years. Health In the latest data of the Organization, it ranked first in Europe in “measles cases”.

According to experts, Turkey is experiencing the biggest measles outbreak since 2013. According to the latest map of WHO, published on May 31, 2023 and containing data on measles cases detected between May 2022 and April 2023, Turkey, Russia and Tajikistan took the first three places. In the previous data published by WHO in April, Turkey was in the second place and Tajikistan was in the first place.

Health Minister Dr. Fahrettin Koca made a statement recently, emphasizing that there is no epidemic in terms of measles, that the detected patients are under control and that the filiation studies are carried out meticulously, and that 86 percent of the detected measles cases. İstanbulHe stated that he was in.

Istanbul Family Medicine Association (İSTAHED) Vice President and Member of the Board of Directors in Charge of the Science Commission. Çınla Nişli Kaya, on the other hand, stated that the increase in measles for 3-4 months has intensified in the last few weeks, noting that measles cases are concentrated in the inner and northern parts of the European side of Istanbul, and said that they encounter measles more frequently, especially in children aged 9-18 months.

Which parts of Istanbul are most at risk of measles?  Fatal risk warning after 8-10 years - 1


Dr. Kaya said, “We have been experiencing an increase in cases especially in the last 3-4 months in Istanbul. We have been experiencing more intense measles cases in the last 3-4 weeks. In our district (Eyüp), it is not very intense, but unfortunately much more in some regions. We see more cases in the northern parts. Regions with a high number of cases unfortunately show parallelism with vaccine hesitancy or rejection. We see this more especially in the inner and northern parts of the European side. Unfortunately, we see measles a lot, especially in children 9-12 months and 12-18 months. These are also “Children who have not been vaccinated. The most important reasons for vaccine indecision are beliefs and some people think that the vaccine is harmful because of some of the ingredients in the vaccine. After the Kovid epidemic, there has been an increase in not getting childhood vaccines. Distrust in the vaccine has increased,” he said.


Measles Noting that especially pregnant women, immunocompromised people and unvaccinated children are at great risk, Dr. Kaya said: “Measles is transmitted very easily, progresses very quickly, and there is no definitive treatment for the disease. We can only provide treatments that will relieve symptoms. As such, we can treat severe lung infections such as pneumonia, brain infections, central nervous system infections (encephalitis), etc. It causes infections that will be effective in the long term and unfortunately we may encounter patient losses or damage. It is a very serious public health problem. Unfortunately, the person who does not get vaccinated is not only his own problem; it becomes a problem of our country and even the world.”

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Pointing out that the approach of the child to have measles and become immune is extremely dangerous, Dr. Kaya said that especially after children under the age of 2 have measles, the virus can become silent in the body and cause SSPE, which can lead to disability and even death years later, and gave the following information: “After having this disease, the virus can remain hidden in the body and after 8-10 years. There is a disease called SSPE, pan-encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain. The child can pass it on. This causes more permanent damage to children, central nervous system damage is experienced and we can lose children due to infections. That’s why getting vaccinated is much safer and safer than having an infection all the time. valuable”


Dr. Çınla Nişli Kaya pointed out that there will be a much more intense increase in measles cases when schools open, and called out to the families of under-vaccinated or unvaccinated children and noted that they should be vaccinated as soon as possible. Dr. Kaya said, “Since measles is an infection transmitted by droplets and contact, the rate of transmission will increase when schools open. It will be much more difficult to diagnose and separate cases, as other viral infections such as influenza or rhinovirus will be added to it as of the season. We will have to give more difficult treatments. Therefore, we recommend that those who are under-vaccinated complete their vaccinations while schools are closed, before leaving it until September.” she said.

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Stating that measles vaccines are made at the 12th month and 4th age in the childhood vaccination calendar, Dr. Kaya stated that a vaccine dose was added in the 9th month with the instruction of the Ministry of Health due to the increasing trend in cases in recent years, and said: “We invite all children who have not been vaccinated to our family health centers. This is a vaccine that has been applied since 1970. Its clinical studies have been completed. a vaccine. A live vaccine, yes, but it can cause mild pain, mild fever, maybe weakness in the arm on the day it is administered the most. Other than that, it has no major side effects. It is a clinically proven vaccine. In the past, vaccination was given in the first year and primary school age. Now, primary school vaccination has been withdrawn to the age of 4. Measles, rubella, and varicella vaccines are administered together in our family health centers and we have no problem in obtaining the vaccine. You can apply to your family physicians and nurses to have your vaccine checked. Those who have the missing vaccine can be vaccinated immediately. This is especially true for our children aged 9-12 months. It’s very important. Please don’t neglect it.”
