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What to eat to have beautiful nails –

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These foods defeat dry, brittle nails and restore strength and shine to make them beautiful again.

Do you have dull nails?

A lack of folic acid may be to blame. As you get older, your body doesn’t absorb this essential B vitamin. Try folate-rich starches like lentils, beans, and spinach. Other healing foods: legumes, dark green leafy vegetables and peas.

Brittle or peeling nails?

If your nails are brittle or peeling, include more essential fatty acids in your diet to keep your nails hydrated. Add two
tablespoons of flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed in cereal or
your smoothies.

Soft nails?

To prepare keratin – a hard protein that is one important ingredient in hard, strong nails – the body needs high-quality protein
such as corned hens, pork tenderloin and roast sliced, lower-sodium turkey. Other healing foods: Fish (especially salmon and mackerel), lean meat and poultry.

Weak nails?

Iron deficiency can lead to dull, brittle nails. To keep your fingers in shape, increase your intake of iron-rich foods (fortified cereals, eggs, spinach) and pair them with vitamin C-rich foods (citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers) to help the body absorb iron. Our favorite combinations:

● Spinach with tomatoes
● White omelette with green and red peppers
● Fortified cereal and sliced ​​strawberries

Dry nails?

Rub some olive oil around your nails every night to moisturize dry nails.


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