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What men and women want in their sex life, according to research –

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Men are often famous for sexual fantasies but a new one research showed that they have a slightly different desire: most men prefer more sensual and romantic forms of sexual behavior.

Research has found that both men and women of all ages prefer affectionate sexual behaviors such as kiss and the hug above all, suggesting that at the end of the day, we all really want to be held.

Most couples would prefer more kissing and cuddling in their sex lives, according to research.

Despite the fact that people have been having sex forever, the true desires of our partners in the bedroom have remained a mystery to most people. A team of scientists from the Indiana University School of Public Health has cleared up some of the mystery to reveal what men and women want most in the bedroom.

A range of sexual acts made the list, including masturbation and oral sex, but the majority of respondents admitted they would like a bit more romance and affection in their relationship.

“Contrary to some stereotypes, the most attractive behaviors, even for men, are romantic and affectionate behaviors,” lead author Debby Herbenick said in a statement in ScienceDaily. “These included kissing more often during sex, cuddling, saying sweet/romantic things during sex, making the room romantic while preparing for sex, and so on.”

The survey also revealed what types of sexual acts respondents had previously tried. They were asked if they had engaged in more than 30 sexual behaviors and how attractive those behaviors were. Wearing sexy lingerie and underwear and sending/receiving nude images were rated highly by most of the group, said IFL Science.

These findings are consistent with earlier ones investigations which revealed that most people believe that the best part of sex is not the pleasure of the moment, but the hug and feelings of closeness that often follow. Many studies have shown that a more active and healthy sex life is generally associated with more happiness and life satisfaction, however, research published earlier this year found that sexual happiness only really exists if the act is followed by positive feelings.

“When having sex, people not only seek an intimate relationship, but actually experience more affection, both during sex and in the hours afterward,” the researchers explained, the British Psychological Society . «Therefore, sex appears to be beneficial not only because of its physiological or hedonic effects, but because it promotes a stronger and more positive connection with one’s partner.».

Knowing our sexual desires doesn’t just make for entertaining news, it also helps researchers better understand human happiness and ways to improve it. The Indiana researchers hope their data can help couples find new and exciting ways of intimacy and intercourse, which will ultimately lead to improved sexual satisfaction and relationship happiness.



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