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What is the uterus? Uterus (uterine) cancer causes, what are the symptoms?

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The uterus can be defined as the female reproductive organ with the cervix called the cervix at the far end and the fallopian tubes extending to the ovaries on both sides.

The state of pregnancy, which is formed by the fertilization of the egg by the sperm, the placement of the fertilized embryo cell in the appropriate position and its healthy development take place in this organ. The baby develops in the uterus during pregnancy, and when the moment of birth comes, labor occurs with the contraction of the uterus muscles.


The most common diseases in the uterus, which is the female reproductive cell, can be listed as uterine prolapse (sagging of intrauterine tissues), endometriosis and uterine tumors. Uterine tumors occur in two forms, benign and malignant, and malignant tumors are called uterine cancer or uterine cancer.


Malignant tumors of the uterus can occur in two ways as endometrial cancer occurring in the endometrial layer and cervix (cervical cancer) occurring in the cervical cells.

The endometrium is a tissue layer that forms the inner surface of the uterus and thickens during pregnancy. Uterine thickening is important for the fertilized egg cell to settle into the uterus and to maintain the pregnancy.

With the uncontrolled division and proliferation of endometrial cells, tumor tissues occur in this region.

Malignant tumor tissues lead to endometrial cancer, and these cancer cells often spread to other female reproductive organs. Endometrial cancer may occur due to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, various infections and hormonal effects.

Another common type of cancer in the female reproductive organs is cervical cancer.

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that comes into contact with the cervix cells causes disruption of the cell structure and cancer. This uterine cancer, which usually occurs in women between the ages of 35-39, can be treated with early diagnosis.


The first observed symptoms of endometrial cancer are odorous, bloody or dark colored vaginal discharge and spotting bleeding.

In the later stages of the disease, pain, intense and prolonged menstrual bleeding, edema in the legs and inguinal region, decrease in urine and increase in blood urea level due to this, excessive weight loss and anemia due to blood loss can be seen.

Symptoms of cervical cancer can be listed as irregular vaginal bleeding, edema in the legs and groin area, bleeding problem after sexual intercourse, blood in urine or stool, pain, bloody and foul-smelling discharge.

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