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What is the urethra? What causes urethral stricture, what are the treatment methods?

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The urethra is the name of the tube that exits the bladder and mediates the discharge of urine out of the body. This structure usually has the necessary width for the normal flow of urine. However, in some cases, urethral stricture may occur and urinary flow may be interrupted. This condition is called urethral stricture.

Urethral stricture is generally more common in men than women. You can follow the rest of the article to get more information about urethral stenosis.


Although the emptying of the bladder creates a feeling of fullness in the bladder, complete and comfortable evacuation of urine cannot occur due to the stenosis in the urethra. Some of the symptoms that occur because of this are:

– Weak urine flow
Pee pain while doing
– Feeling like you are constantly urinating

When bladder emptying is impaired, there is no space in the bladder where more urine can be accumulated, but urine production continues in the kidneys.

In cases where the disease progresses, since the urine produced in the kidneys cannot fill the bladder, it accumulates in the ureters, the tube that carries it, and in the following periods, it may cause kidney damage by causing enlargement in the kidney pools.

In addition, due to the inability to pass urine, such as cystitis urethra infections can cause serious complications, and infections such as prostatitis can occur.

urethral stricture TREATMENT METHODS

In emergency situations, which may be caused by urine remaining in the bladder due to urethral stenosis, the bladder is emptied by placing a catheter over the urinary catheter or the projection of the bladder on the skin (suprapubic catheter), the emergency situation is relieved and the patient is relieved.

After the presence of urethral stricture is revealed, surgical procedures can be applied to eliminate this condition.

One of the most common surgical procedures is the enlargement of the urethra called “urethrotomy”. In suitable patients, this method is performed by laser or mechanically enlarging the stenosis part.

In patients who are not suitable for urethrotomy or who cannot be successful with urethrotomy, the cause of the stenosis is removed with an open surgery called urethroplasty and the urethra is enlarged. In some cases, surrounding tissues can be used to repair the urethra.

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