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What is the thorax, what does it do? What is thorax tomography?

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thorax nowadays lungs and thoraxIt is one of the devices that allows viewing. It helps in shooting in this region and obtaining detailed vision. It is known as one of the types of tomography. It is used as one of the most frequently preferred instruments by surgeons in its field. With the thorax, a detailed examination is made inside the thorax and an image is taken.

CT Thorax, on the other hand, is a computed tomography method that provides detailed imaging of the thorax and lungs. It is also called chest tomography. In this method, three-dimensional images are taken with a tomography device. Specialist physicians make a diagnosis and create a treatment plan thanks to the detailed three-dimensional cross-sections obtained.


BT Toraks, which is the biggest assistant of specialist physicians in the evaluation of the organs in the thorax, depends on the physician’s request, but generally the following health withdraw in case of problems;

– Congenital anomalies

Lung tumor

– Chest trauma

– Pneumonia

– bronchitis

– COPD, emphysema

– Lung nodule competitor

– Congestion in the pulmonary vessels,

– Having a family history of lung diseases, being in the risk group

– Aortic disorders

– Covid-19 disease course and follow-up.


Thorax CT, which is a medical imaging procedure, shows the body region to be seen from different angles, the diagnosis of the disease and the level of the disease. These computerized images provide a fully detailed view of the bones and soft tissues in the area. In the case of the above-mentioned diseases, it can be requested by the doctor.

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