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What is spina bifida? What are the symptoms and treatment methods?

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Spina bifida means split or open spine. It is one of the most common congenital diseases. Spina bifida can be seen in many ways that affect the spinal cord, especially myelomeningocele.

In spina bifida, the spinal cord and nerves emerge between the open vertebrae and form a lump on the baby’s back. This in turn damages the nerves that control certain functions in the body. Problems such as partial paralysis, walking problems, hydrocephalus, bowel and bladder problems, and scoliosis in the future may be seen in the child.

The main cause of the disease folic acid deficiency is thought to be. For this reason, it is very important for women who are planning a pregnancy to start folic acid at least 3 months before applying to an obstetrician.

Spina bifida done during pregnancy blood and ultrasound testscan be detected with If babies born with this disease are operated within the first 35 hours after birth, it is possible to prevent some problems caused by the anomaly.

Spina bifida, which affects foot movements, causes urinary and stool incontinence and sexual problems, is a multifaceted disorder followed and treated by specialists from different branches such as pediatric neurosurgeons, neurologists, nephrologists, physical therapy and rehabilitation specialists.


Spina bifida treatment is primarily surgical. The aim of spina bifida surgeries is to close the nervous system, which is open to the outside, in the most appropriate way to the anatomical structure.

After the surgery, preventive treatments come to the fore. According to the problem experienced, preventive treatments such as bladder protection, physical therapy and muscle strengthening come to the fore.

In spina bifida, it is commonly known as a collection of fluid in the brain. hydrocephalus disease can also be seen. Two illness are linked by cause and effect relationship. Children with spina bifida who also have hydrocephalus should be treated concomitantly.

The treatment of hydrocephalus is shunt application. The treatment of hydrocephalus is mostly done with shunt application. Shunt treatment is based on sending excess water produced in the brain to the abdominal cavity. However, since children with spina bifida are usually born prematurely and have an underdeveloped body, it is expected to exceed a certain kilogram for shunt treatment. Therefore, long hospital stays may be required.

In patients with spina bifida, infections may develop, especially in open types, since a part of the nervous system is located outside. It is vital to take the necessary precautions to protect children against infections.

Complete treatment may not be possible in the advanced stages of spina bifida disease. Nerve repair is not possible, especially in cases where the nerves protrude beyond the spine and are damaged. Treatments that will increase the comfort of life in these patients are on the agenda. However, complete treatment can be provided by surgical methods in patients with spina bifida, which is called closed form and has not progressed.

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