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What is presbyopia? What are the symptoms and treatment methods?

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Presbyopia is the gradual loss of the eyes’ ability to focus on nearby objects. And presbyopia is a natural and very annoying part of aging.

Presbyopia is usually noticed in the early 40s and continues to progress until age 65. When the person is reading a book or newspaper; When he starts to keep these objects a little further away while looking at his cell phone, he realizes that he has presbyopia.


Presbyopia is a slowly developing vision problem. The first symptoms are noticed after the age of 40. Presbyopia symptoms can be listed as follows:

– The tendency to keep the reading object away to make the letters clearer when reading something.

– Blurred vision at reading distance when reading at normal distance.

– Eye strain or headache after close readings.

These symptoms may be felt more intensely if the person is tired or in a dimly lit area.


Presbyopia is caused by the hardening of the lens of the eye with age. As the lens becomes less flexible, it cannot change shape to focus on the close-up image.


The goal of treatment is to correct the inability of the eyes to focus on nearby objects. Among the treatment options glasses or contact lenses exists. Eyelash The physician determines the appropriate lens and glasses with the examination.

Glasses are the simplest way to treat presbyopia. Some buy over-the-counter reading glasses, but this is not the right thing to do. While doing this, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. Those who do not want to wear glasses may also want to use contact lenses. However, contact lenses may not be suitable for the patient if they have dry eyes. The physician will present the presbyopia lens options.

Sometime surgical options may also come into play. Presbyopia surgery is also available. Kamra Inaly treatment is an effective method for age-related nearsightedness. Treatment is performed with a micro-implant placed in the cornea. It is applied with drop anesthesia. After the operation, the eye is not closed and the patient can return to his daily life immediately.

In addition, multifocal intraocular lens therapy is applied. Thanks to this method, people can get rid of both distance and near glasses. Not every patient is suitable for this treatment.

The presbylasik method can also be applied for presbyopia. With the presbylasic laser, the problem of near vision can be eliminated.

In addition, monovisionexcimer laser treatment is performed. There are also treatment options with accommodative lenses. Here, lenses that mimic the movement of the original lens in the eye are placed in the eye.

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