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What is Peeling and How Is It Applied?

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What is Peeling and How Is It Applied? It is a beauty application to cleanse the skin from dead cells, reduce the prominence of acne and sunspots, and lighten the wrinkles on the skin and make it look younger. peeling is named. Although this application, which works wonders on the skin, is mostly done in beauty centers and clinics, women also perform various peeling applications at home.

What are the Peeling Types?

Chemical peelingThere are various peeling applications such as cosmetic peeling creams, laser peeling. According to the depth of application to the skin; superficial, medium and derin peeling is divided into 3. Since the risk increases according to the depth of the peeling, it is recommended that the deep and medium peeling be done by a specialist dermatologist in the clinics. Superficial peelingIt is the peeling and cleaning of the upper layer of the skin by applying various fruit acids. It can be done in a short time in many beauty centers.

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How is Peeling Applied at Home?

Ladies who care about their care can use some natural products at home. peeling they apply. In general peeling done at home; In addition to salt, granulated sugar and coffee, acidic fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, lemons, pineapples, papayas, oranges and nectarines are also used.

This will be done at home in a short time natural care Thanks to this, the skin is deeply cleansed and gets a healthier and younger appearance. The prominence of acne and sunspots is reduced.

As for how to do peeling at home, the peeling material is applied to the face and massaged in a way that does not irritate the skin by pressing too much. After the application, the peeling material on the face is cleaned and a suitable moisturizer is applied to the skin.

On Which Areas of the Body Is Peeling Applied?

Peeling can be applied to the face, neck, hands, feet and the whole body. The peeling to be applied to the body is done during the shower. It can be done in other regions at any time. Peeling is a useful application for the skin, but doing it too often can cause the skin to wear out. Depending on the condition of the skin, it is appropriate to do it once a week at most.

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What Should Be Considered While Peeling?

If you are doing the peeling yourself at home, do not use unfamiliar materials for this. Use non-irritating fruits or natural products such as coffee, salt, sugar. Do not apply too much pressure to your skin while massaging while exfoliating. Applying too much pressure can irritate your skin and cause redness, and if you have acne on the skin, it can also cause them to burst and spread. After you complete the peeling application, wipe your skin with a tonic and apply a moisturizing cream, so you can prevent your skin from drying out.

If you are not going to apply the peeling yourself, choose a specialist clinic or beauty center for the application and make sure that the place you go complies with the hygiene requirements. After all, it’s about your skin and your beauty. Do not take risks with wrong choices and wrong practices.

The peeling you will do regularly at home will be effective in cleaning and renewing your skin and will make a great contribution to your beauty.


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