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What is Insomnia? Causes and treatment

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WHAT IS INsomnia?

Insomnia (insomnia) is a sleeping disorder that prevents or causes a person to fall asleep. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep, as well as wake up too early or cause interrupted sleep.

Sleep adequacy may vary from person to person, but sleep hours for adults are between 6 and 8 hours. Again in adults due to stress or trauma (acute) insomnia may occur and this situation may continue for a temporary period. But for a month or more (chronic) trouble sleeping It is recommended that people who are faced with the disease should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


About 50 percent of adults may experience insomnia from time to time, and 1 in 10 people complain of chronic insomnia. Insomnia is about twice as common in women as in men and is more common in the elderly than the young.

Insomnia can develop due to many reasons. Some conditions that cause insomnia are:

– Diseases that can cause insomnia (pain or discomfort at night)
– Medication use
– Emotional or physical discomfort
– Noise, light or excessive heat
– Jetlag after travel
– depression
– Thyroid diseases
– Psychological reasons
– Chronic stress.


– drowsiness during the day
– Tiredness
– irritability
– Lack of concentration
– Memory problems
– Difficulty falling asleep at night
– wake up at night
– Waking up too early
– Not feeling rested after a night’s sleep
– Anxiety
– It gives symptoms such as making mistakes frequently during the day or experiencing accidents due to insomnia.


One of the most common forms of insomnia is called psychophysiological insomnia. Usually, sleep problems occur in the person because the mind is not very thoughtful and relaxed. While this type of insomnia disappears over time in some people, in some patients the brain almost learns not to sleep and creates insomnia.

Stress is the most common cause of psychophysiological insomnia. While sleep problems are common when going through a stressful event, some people resume their normal sleep patterns after the stressful event is over. Such stress-related insomnia problems treatment with life changes or medications recommended by a doctor can be done.

Also, short-term insomnia problems called acute insomnia may not require treatment. If insomnia makes it difficult to work during the day, sleep medications may be recommended by the doctor. These drugs ensure that the person has a comfortable sleep and prevents the person from experiencing problems such as fatigue or concentration during the day.

In the treatment of chronic insomnia, the underlying cause of insomnia is primarily addressed. health problems need to be treated. If the person is facing insomnia even after the suspected diseases are treated, a psychological evaluation may be requested.

In addition, acute insomnia can be treated with relaxation exercises, diet and sleep restrictions. These techniques take time and some effort. But simple changes and exercises recommended by the doctor can help return to a more normal sleep pattern and cope with insomnia.

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