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What is hydrocephalus? Can hydrocephalus be treated?

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hydrocephalus disease; It is a disease that occurs as a result of the accumulation of excessive amounts of water in the brain and shows the same symptoms as Alzheimer’s.

What is hydrocephalus?

Almost the same symptoms as Alzheimer’s disease hydrocephalus disease One of the unknown causes of forgetfulness. This disease is often excessive accumulation of water in the brain results indicate.

In the brain and spinal cord to perform more flexible physical movements controlled by the nervous system. cerebrospinal fluid Some fluid must circulate. Sudden blows to the spinal cord or brain area prevent the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid, causing the cerebrospinal fluid to accumulate in the brain and increase the internal pressure of the brain. In this case Alzheimer It causes the emergence of Hydrocephalus, which has the same symptoms as

Causes of hydrocephalus

  • head trauma
  • Past brain haemorrhage
  • Tumors and cysts in the brain
  • meningitis disease
  • brain infections

Symptoms of hydrocephalus disease

– The most important and first symptom of hydrocephalus is the disorder that occurs in walking. Patients with hydrocephalus often have balance problems and have to walk without lifting their feet.

– Another complaint of patients with hydrocephalus is that they start to forget even the routine tasks that need to be done during the day. Patients often cannot remember the past and ask the same questions without realizing it.

– Frequent toilet visits have been observed in some patients with the disease. In a significant number of these patients, complete deterioration in bladder control occurs.

Treatment of hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus is not a disease that responds to drug therapy and can be treated with drugs. Surgery is required for the treatment of the disease. Hydrocephalus can be treated quite easily by using advanced technological methods. The type of surgical operation to be performed and how it will be performed will differ depending on the underlying causes of the disease.

It is important to keep the patient under observation in the hospital for a sufficient period of time after the surgical operation. The complaints of the patient who underwent the operation usually show improvement after a short time. However, if there is permanent damage to the brain tissue due to the disease, some functions may not improve. The most important reason for the lack of improvement in functions such as vision and intelligence is due to the delay in treatment because the disease cannot be detected in the early period.

The hospital stay of the treated patient may vary depending on the patient’s response to treatment and recovery status.

A significant portion of the patients who are treated by surgery for hydrocephalus can lead a normal life.

As in every disease, the diagnosis of hydrocephalus at an early stage facilitates the treatment processes and increases the success rate.


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