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What is hemiplegia and why does it happen? Hemiplegia symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

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Hemiplegia is caused by damage to brain cells or congestion in brain vessels; It is a picture that results in loss of movement on the right or left side of the body. Hemiplegia can also be called partial paralysis. Although it is generally seen in middle age and above, people of all ages may be at risk.

Hemiplegia can affect the left or right side of the body. Whichever side of the brain suffers from this problem, the opposite side of the body will show symptoms. If the blood flow to a part of the brain is cut off or reduced for some reason, a stroke occurs that prevents the brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die rapidly. This condition is hemiplegia.

Hemiplegia is an emergency and prompt treatment is very important in this situation. Rapid intervention reduces brain damage and all the complications it brings.


There are various symptoms of hemiplegia according to the damage to the brain, the size, location and severity of the damage. These symptoms can be listed as follows:

– Stiffening of the arm and leg muscles on the right or left side, loss of movement

– walking problems

– Balance problems

– numbness

– speech disorders

– Memory losses

– Problems in the perception of the concept of place

– Behavior changes

– Difficulty focusing

– vision problems, double vision

– Severe headache.


Treatment modalities for hemiplegia depend on the cause of the hemiplegia and the severity of the symptoms.

People with hemiplegia often undergo multidisciplinary rehabilitation that includes neurologists, physical therapists, rehabilitation therapists, and mental health professionals.

Medication is administered to the patient who urgently applies to a neurologist. The aim of drug treatment is to prevent damage to occur.

When hemiplegia is taken under control, physical therapy methods can be used according to the patient’s condition. The earlier the treatment begins, the faster the treatment will take place.

Hemiplegia should be treated with a team of neurologist, neurosurgeon, physiotherapist, orthotic specialist, speech and language therapist, and psychologists.

Hemiplegia can be treated with physical therapy. Neurophysiological approach is at the forefront in rehabilitation of hemiplegia. Hemiplegia rehabilitation should be multidisciplinary. In the physical therapy section, hemiplegia exercises can be given according to the patient’s condition.

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