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What is eye bleeding? What is good for eye bleeding?

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As a result of the enlargement of the vessels in the eye, eye bleeding may occur. The eye appears red as a result of the enlarged blood vessels filling with blood. The reason for the enlargement of blood vessels is that the oxygen demand of the cornea layer covering the outside of the eye is not met. Under normal conditions, capillary blood vessels are not visible. However, capillary blood vessels become visible in response to the lack of oxygen demand and the condensation of the blood. Therefore, there is a bloody image in the eye.


Eyelash It can be defined as the bloody and vascular image that occurs in the white area of ​​the eye. Apart from this, an image may not form outside the eye. Eyelash Symptoms of bleeding can be listed as follows:

– Redness in the white part of the eye,
– Itching and irritation sensation,
– Pain in the eye,
– Feeling of fullness in the eye,
– Blurred vision, image limitation
– Sensitivity to light,
– Eye swelling.


The factors that cause eye bleeding can occur from the following problems:

– insomnia,
– Coughing with high pressure,
– Coughing for too long
– dry eye,
– allergic reactions,
– Inflammation in the eye,
– Shallot,
– Inflammation of eyelashes,
– Scratching the eye too hard
– incorrectly wearing the lens,
– Blood pressure,
– vomiting,
– Lifting heavy loads,
– Traumas, injuries or blows to the eye,
– blood clotting problems,
– eye cancer,
– Use of blood thinners,
– Aneurysm,
– Diabetes,
– retinal tear,
– Fluid accumulation behind the eye,
– Age-related ailments.


The treatment of eye bleeding varies according to the disease causing the bleeding. Eye bleeding, which usually lasts up to 1-2 weeks on its own, may be long-term in some cases. However, there may be other reasons behind the bleeding of the eyes. In such cases, a specialist doctor should make a diagnosis.

If the problem of eye bleeding occurs due to high blood pressure, high blood pressure should be treated. The treatment applied in more serious eye diseases is different.

Usually for the treatment of bloodshot eyes eye drops recommended. After the doctor’s examination, eye drops containing steroids are given for swelling, antibiotic drops for bacterial infections, eye drops containing painkillers to relieve pain, and antiviral eye drops for viral infections. If there are serious injuries to the blood vessels in the eye that cause blood circulation. laser surgeryTreatment can be carried out with the help of a doctor. In all treatment methods, a period of time for patients to protect their eyes eye patch they may need to be fitted.

In some cases, simply changing the lifestyle of the patient is sufficient. Ensuring sleep and nutrition patterns, changing the local creams applied to the eyes, correct make-up removal, avoiding blue screens and paying attention to personal hygiene are effective in eliminating the problems that cause eye bleeding and eye bleeding in some cases.

Sometimes, excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption can cause eye bleeding. In this case, it can be aimed to eliminate these harmful habits by examining the patient’s smoking and alcohol history under the control of a doctor.

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