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What is Check Up, what does it do? How long does Check Up take?

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Check up, which is one of the benefits of modern medicine, is not yet in the person. health It ensures that measures are taken before the problem arises or that the existing disease is detected at the earliest possible period.

This chain of procedures, in which laboratory tests and radiological imaging are performed as well as examinations performed by specialist physicians, is shaped according to the age, gender, genetic heritage and risk factors of the person.

In other words, while evaluations are made within the scope of preventive medicine for young people, comprehensive screenings are carried out for the early detection of many different diseases in older people. In addition to all these, depending on the current health status of the person, parameters such as obesity, diabetes, lipid metabolism, cardiovascular diseases can be evaluated and possible diseases can be prevented before they occur.


Basic health check-up (check-up) can be done to people of all ages, whether they have any complaints or not. Thus, the person can protect his/her health as well as take precautions in the early period or the person’s existing disease can be prevented in the early stages. treatment can be done.


Check-up time may differ from person to person. The fact that the health center where the examinations will be carried out and the personnel working in the hospital are experts in check-up ensures that the procedures are completed quickly.

In addition, the fact that specialist and experienced doctors deal with the patient one-on-one ensures that the correct examinations are made and that diseases that may occur in the body are not overlooked.

The fact that the tools and devices used in the procedures are state-of-the-art can also affect the check-up time. State-of-the-art devices can ensure that the analyzes are concluded in a short time and accurately. For this reason, it is necessary to obtain detailed information about the conditions of the hospital to which the check-up will be applied, the personnel it employs, and the health technologies it has.

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