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What is calculus? Why does it happen? How to clean and prevent tartar?

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Tooth It is the combination of the minerals in the calculus, dental plaque and saliva and turning into a stone-hard structure over time. Tooth It occurs below the line where its surface meets the gum. Dental plaque, which contains food residues and microorganisms, should be cleaned regularly.

Toothbrush, floss and mouthwashes help to remove dental plaque. When this plaque is not removed, it can become a stone (tartar). Tartar can occur especially in people who do not pay attention to oral hygiene. It can also be seen in people who do not brush properly and do not clean the gingival border.


The minerals in your saliva accumulate on the tooth surface along with the nutrients that enter the mouth. There is plaque accumulation that gives a sticky feeling to the teeth.

If dental plaque is not removed with regular oral hygiene, it can begin to harden. As the amount of hardening increases, tartar formation may occur. It is usually light in color and yellowish in appearance. The color of the calculus may darken due to the food and drinks accumulated on the tartar.


It may not always be possible to prevent the formation of tartar. Due to the structure and amount of minerals in the saliva of some people, tartar formation may be inevitable. But there are some tips to reduce the buildup. First of all, it may be necessary to eliminate the factors that cause dental plaque.

The points to be considered in order to prevent the formation of dental calculus are as follows:

– Brushing teeth for two minutes twice a day,
– Using a toothbrush of the right size and hardness,
– Making use of electric toothbrushes and mouthwashes,
– Using regular dental floss to clean the plaque that accumulates between the teeth,
– Using fluoride toothpastes that help repair tooth enamel,
– Avoiding sugary and acidic foods as much as possible,
– Brushing the teeth after meals, if not possible, rinsing the mouth with water,
– Avoiding the use of cigarettes and tobacco products,
– To make regular dental visits.


Teeth cleaning can be done to people who have stains on their teeth for various reasons or who have calculus accumulation. Brushing, flossing, or using mouthwash will not be effective in removing calculus. Therefore, it is not a procedure that can be applied to oneself in the home environment.

People who go to the dentist regularly every six months are informed about dental calculus cleaning. If necessary, scaling can be done by a gingival specialist (periodontology) or a dentist. In this way, you can have a healthy oral hygiene.

Problems such as bleeding gums, pain in the gums and swelling in the gums can improve. In addition, people suffering from bad breath can also have this procedure.


People with bad breath or darkening of their teeth can go to dentist clinics with the suspicion of tartar. Teeth cleaning is a procedure that should be performed by dentists in dental clinics.

No anesthesia is required as it is not a painful and painful procedure. However, people with swelling, redness and pain in their gums may feel sensitivity due to water and vibration from the devices used during this procedure. In such cases, the areas where pain is felt may need to be anesthetized. With the help of special tools, stones can be removed from the tooth surface in a short time. In people with a lot of tartar accumulation, this application may take several sessions.

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