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What is bypass and how is it applied? What is bypass surgery?

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Bypass word meaning can be defined as bridging. Bypass surgery is a surgical method applied to preserve the vitality of the area fed by this artery as a result of narrowing or blockage in a certain area of ​​an artery.

It is carried out beyond the clogged area of ​​the artery by means of veins prepared from another part of the body, and sufficient amount of blood is delivered to the area where the artery is fed by bypass.

Coronary bypass surgery is the coronary artery feeding the heart. opportunity These are bypass surgeries performed as a result of occlusion of the arteries.


In the cardiological examinations, it is decided that the treatment of the problem detected in the heart with methods such as drugs or angioplasty will not be sufficient or possible, therefore bypass is performed.

In people with multiple vascular diseases, severe narrowing of the vessels supplying the left ventricle of the heart, in the presence of a significant stenosis in the main coronary artery feeding the left heart, in whom balloon or stent procedures are insufficient, there is another stenosis that needs to be corrected with surgery in the vessels feeding the heart. heart Bypass can be done in cases where there is a disease.


The most classical way to reach the heart is the method in which the breastbone (sternum) is opened in the middle. In some special methods, the size and location of these incisions change.

Some valve and ASD surgeries can be performed with 5-6 cm incision (window). In the mamaria internana taken from the chest, the blood is coming from the vein going to the arm, while the upper ends of the other free veins (radial artery and saphenous vein) are sutured to the aorta.

Thus, with a new vessel (bypass graft), the flow of blood that carries energy and oxygen to the heart muscle in the area of ​​​​stenosis or obstruction is provided. Operation The number of bypass vessels performed during the procedure ranges from 1 to 6. Generally, 2-4 vessels are bypassed.

The veins used by the surgeon during the operation are the veins in the patient’s own body, which do not leave a shortage when removed.

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