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What is bursitis, what are its symptoms? How is the treatment done? How is hip (Trochanteric) bursitis treated?

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variety of body joint There are fluid-filled vesicles called synovial bursa or bursa in their places and on the bones. The function of the bursa that covers the bones bone to prevent the ends from rubbing. Inflammation of these vesicles is also the answer to the question of what is bursitis.

Bursitis, which is usually seen in the shoulder, hip and elbow bones, is also seen in the knees, ankles and heels where the joints are often moving.

Causes of bursitis repetitive or compulsive movements. Constantly leaning towards the ground causes bursitis in the knee. In those who work at a desk, bursitis can be seen in the elbow. During sports activities such as tennis, not warming up and repeating compelling movements can cause bursitis in both the elbow and the shoulder.

Bursitis, although rare, can also be caused by different reasons. Blood and kidney diseases, being old, and the use of some antibiotics and drugs that cause fiber rupture can also cause bursitis.


Trokhanter, of the hip bone is the name given to the outer part. The synovial bursa is located very close to this bone. Trochanteric bursitis, also known as hip bursitis, is inflammation of the bursa on the outside of the hip. Bursitis in the hip is characterized by burning and pain in this area.


Symptoms vary from person to person, depending on the severity and type of bursitis. However, the symptoms generally seen in those with inflammation in the areas where the bursa are located are:

– Pain that increases with movement and pressure,
– Swelling and tenderness in the area of ​​bursitis,
– Decreased mobility,
– high fever due to infection,
– Increased temperature and redness in the area of ​​​​bursitis.
– Different symptoms are also observed in areas where bursitis is seen specifically.

For example, prepatellar bursitis, also known as knee bursitis, makes bending the knee difficult, and olecranon bursitis, also known as elbow bursitis, makes elbow movements difficult.

Patients may have difficulty walking in iliopsoas bursitis and trochanteric bursitis affecting the hip joint. Subacromial bursitis affects the shoulder and causes localized pain.

According to these symptoms, bursitis is diagnosed by physical examination, blood tests and imaging methods such as MRI.


Bursitis treatment is planned according to the location and severity of the disease. If the area of ​​inflammation is diagnosed at an early stage, it can be treated with rest, while in severe cases, this inflammation can be treated with antibiotics and painkillers.

The drugs used in the treatment of bursitis should be taken regularly and under the control of a doctor.

Before medicated treatment, as in all joint and muscle diseases, patients are advised to rest. One of the important points is to avoid movements that will create pressure in the areas where bursitis is seen and to protect against trauma. With rest, recovery is usually seen within a few weeks.

Applying ice compresses in the early period also helps to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Ice can be applied to the painful area for a maximum of 15 minutes, twice a day.

If progress cannot be made with these methods, physical therapy and surgical methods are used. In physiotherapy, the exercise movements performed by the patients provide the opening of the joints.

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