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What is bladder cancer and what are its symptoms? What are the stages of bladder cancer?

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The bladder, whose main function in the body is to store urine, is an organ that can stretch as it fills with empty urine. Bladder cancer usually starts in the urothelial cells of the mucosa lining the inner surface of the bladder. Bladder tumors can be malignant or benign. However, noncancerous benign bladder tumors can also be seen.


Bladder cancer symptoms are as follows:

– Blood in the urine (hematuria): In bladder cancer, painless bleeding is usually seen in the urine. There may be visible bleeding in the urine, as well as bleeding that can be seen under a microscope.

Bleeding may occur in the form of blood clots, not all of the urine. Blood in the urine can be caused by many reasons other than a tumor. It should be noted that different diseases such as kidney stones or infections can cause blood in the urine.

– Painful urination
– Frequent urination
– Feeling of urgency to urinate
– Discomforts such as difficulty urinating due to clots and even inability to urinate can be a symptom of bladder cancer.

In some cases, by the time the first signs of bladder cancer appear, the cancer may have already spread to another part of the body, metastasizing. The symptoms experienced in patients with metastasis may differ according to the region where the cancer has spread. In progressive bladder tumors;

– Back pain
– Pain in the lower abdomen
– Symptoms such as loss of appetite and weight loss may be experienced.


Three criteria are considered to determine the stage of bladder cancer.

– The depth of the cancerous tumor in the bladder wall and the grade of the tumor
– Whether the bladder tumor has spread to regional lymph nodes
– It is examined whether the bladder cancer has metastasized to other organs such as the lung or liver.

Information from pathology and examinations is used to find out which parts of the bladder are cancerous, whether the cancer has spread from where it first started, and where the cancer has spread. Bladder cancer staging is done according to the international TNM system.


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