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What is aortic rupture (dissection)? Here are the symptoms of dissection

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Dissection is the surgical isolation and exposure of tissues-structures in daily medical use, also called anatomy.

For example, saying that the cystic duct was dissected during surgery means that the cystic duct has been separated from the surrounding tissues and bare, it is now suitable for ligation and cutting. Dissection, dissection (Eng), comes from the Latin “dissecare” (to cut into pieces).


The rupture of the aortic vessel due to exposure to high pressure and the separation of the wall layers from each other is called “aortic dissection”.


Patients with dissection have severe chest and back pain that starts suddenly and is described as stabbing. There may also be complaints such as sweating, coldness, nausea and vomiting.

Dissection may also disrupt organ and extremity nutrition, as well as dysfunction or pain in any organ (eg, leg pain) may be the first clinical finding.

After the evaluation and examination according to the patient’s complaints, the initial dissection of the aorta can be recognized by echocardiography, but emergency computed tomographic angiography (CTA) should be performed for a definitive diagnosis in any case where dissection is suspected.

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