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What is an aneurysm? What are the symptoms? Aneurysm causes and treatment

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An aneurysm is defined as a balloon-like enlargement of blood vessels as a result of weakening of their walls. In aneurysm, the vessel wall is weakened, thinned and there is a risk of rupture.

Aneurysm, which can occur in a vein in any part of the body, but most often occurs in the abdominal aorta (the main blood vessel that comes out of the heart and feeds the whole body), can also occur in the aorta in the region of the aorta coming out of the heart and in the aorta in the chest. The most common cause of aneurysm formation is arteriosclerosis (atherosclerosis).


Causes of aneurysms Although it is not known exactly, some factors can lead to aneurysm formation. Those factors are:

Age: Aneurysms usually affect the elderly, and the risk of aneurysm formation increases with age.

Aneurysm cases in the past in the family: The risk of aneurysm formation may increase if there is a family history of aneurysms.

The opportunity wall weakness: Some people may have congenital vessel wall weakness, which can lead to aneurysm formation.

Having a heart attack or stroke: Having a heart attack or stroke can lead to aneurysm formation.

Smoking and alcohol use: Smoking and alcohol use can weaken the vessel wall, which can lead to aneurysm formation.


There may be back pain, abdominal pain, and a pulsating swelling in the abdomen. In some patients, this ballooned vessel may burst and rupture into the abdomen; In this case, besides other symptoms, fainting, loss of consciousness or even death may occur.


Saccular (Pouch-shaped) Aneurysm: It is the most common type of aneurysm. Brain It occurs in the bifurcation areas of the great vessels at the base. These aneurysms develop over the years and therefore the risk of rupture of the aneurysm increases with age. Deterioration of the vascular structure in advanced ages is another important reason for the formation of aneurysms.

Fusiform (spindle-shaped) Aneurysm: They are aneurysms that appear as a result of a spindle-shaped enlargement of a long section of the vessel.

Mycotic Aneurysms: It is a rare type of aneurysm that develops as a result of microbial disease of the vessel. It is often seen as a complication of subacute bacterial endocarditis, also known as cardiac rheumatism. The inflamed vessel wall weakens and an aneurysm occurs.

Traumatic (Accidental) Aneurysms: It is a type of aneurysm that develops in the brain vessels after trauma.


For patients diagnosed with aneurysm 3 forms of treatment has. Observational treatment, surgical treatment, intravascular occlusion (Endovascular) treatment. In the treatment of aneurysm patients, as in every disease, it is very important that the patient/patient relative and the physician decide together which treatment method they will choose.

Observation (Non-Surgical Treatment)

This treatment method may be a good option for aneurysms with small size and low bleeding risk. Diagnostic tests should be repeated intermittently, as the annual risk of bleeding continues in patients who want to be treated with this treatment method.

Surgical Treatment (Clip)

It is surgery to close the aneurysm. During surgery, the aneurysm is stripped from the surrounding brain tissue and vessels, and the aneurysm is closed with a small metal clip (latch), usually made of titanium. The clips used to close the aneurysm during this surgery do not cause any harm to the body.

Intravascular Occlusion Treatments (Endovascular)

This method, which has a high surgical risk, is a suitable treatment method for the treatment of some aneurysms that are surgically difficult to locate.

Aneurysm disease is an extremely fatal disease that can cause neurological damage. illness Because early diagnosis and treatment is very important.

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