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What is a wart, why does it happen and how does it pass? What is good for warts?

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Verrue, that is, wart group diseases, are common skin infections that develop due to HPV viruses with an increase in benign epithelium and increase in keratin. The duration of emergence can vary from a few weeks to more than a year. The clinical appearance varies according to the HPV type, anatomical region and immune status of the person.

Patients with warts are often otherwise healthy. However, the immune system and the occurrence of the disease are linked.

an immunosuppressive illness or the use of immunosuppressive drugs such as cortisone, and those with organ transplants are more likely to develop warts.

ARE warts contagious?

Warts are caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and warts are transmitted from person to person by direct contact. genital warts is transmitted through sexual intercourse.

There are facilitating factors for the entry of infection into the body and the formation of warts. However, indirect contamination can also be observed. Contamination can also be seen from wet and hot environments such as pool sides, shared bathrooms, Turkish baths, and hot springs, and from common towels, bathrobes, and slippers.


Normally, most warts are not harmful to the body and disappear on their own within weeks or months without any treatment. However, if it is cosmetically disturbing or occurs in the genital area, it should be treated. The same goes for warts on the soles of the feet that cause pain when walking.

In some cases listed below, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor:


Other, such as atopic dermatitis skin with their illness
If you have a wart of the molluscum contagiosum type known as navel wart
Seborrheic warts that occur with age can be confused with some types of skin cancer. Therefore, in order to rule out malignant formations, anyone who is not sure that these are harmless seborrheic warts. health institutions are recommended.

There are different methods and solutions used in the treatment of warts. The treatment method to be preferred varies according to the type, size, number and location of the warts.

In the treatment, drugs containing salicylic acid solution, freezing method called cryotherapy or surgical procedures are often applied.

Treatment In some people, the HPV virus becomes passive and warts do not recur. In some individuals, there is a possibility of recurrence due to weakened immune system. Therefore, strengthening immunity after treatment is an important issue.


Salicylic acid solutions are used by applying to the wart several times a day for several weeks. They are produced in various forms such as creams and polishes, and some forms also contain lactic acid. The treatment method, which is performed with band structures containing these drugs, is continued by applying it every day for a few weeks. Keeping the bands in water for 15 minutes before the application may increase the effectiveness of the treatment.


In cryotherapy treatment, the doctor applies liquid nitrogen (nitrogen) to the wart. Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold and destroys the cells in the upper skin layer. Cryotherapy can be done in different ways.

During application, usually a cotton swab is dipped in liquid nitrogen and pressure is applied on the wart for a few seconds. The application is repeated at least once a week until the wart is completely gone.

Cryotherapy may cause some side effects. During the treatment, pain and subsequent scarring or discoloration, called scarring, may occur on the skin of some patients.

Warts should not be treated with cryotherapy in people with diabetic foot or peripheral artery disease. Because the treatment applied to the wart on the foot can cause nerve damage or poorly healing wounds.

Although more than one session may be required in cryotherapy applications, the wart is usually reduced. In this procedure, which can be somewhat painful, the skin around and under the wart is frozen. Frozen skin lifts the wart upwards and removes it from the skin surface in approximately one week.


Medication or cryotherapy treatment may not work for some warts. In this case, the wart is treated by surgical removal. After the area is anesthetized with local anesthesia, the wart is removed by cutting with a scalpel or electrical surgical instruments. After surgical treatment methods, scarring may develop in the wart area.

Warts, which everyone may encounter at some point in their life, are among the non-malignant skin formations and can usually regress spontaneously within a few years.

In order to remove the warts you have detected in any part of your body in a short time and to prevent their spread to other body parts or to other people, it is recommended to seek support from specialist dermatologists by applying to health institutions.

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