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What is a paramedic? When is Paramedic Day?

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Paramedics Day was celebrated for the first time in Ankara in 2005 with great enthusiasm and participation, and visits were made to Anıtkabir, the Ministry of Health and the Turkish Grand National Assembly. In 2006, it was celebrated in İzmir with the same enthusiasm. In accordance with the decision taken by the board of directors in 2007, it was decided to celebrate the Day of Paramedics all over the country, and it was celebrated with enthusiasm in many provinces, especially in the provinces where Paramedic Schools are located.

Pre-hospital care services, whose history dates back to the Legions of the Roman Empire, continued with the bubonic plague epidemic in the 17th century, and whose foundations were laid with the definition of field hospitals and field triage in the 19th century, took its current form in our country on December 22, 2005, when the General Assembly of YÖK opened paramedic programs in universities.


Paramedic (formally Ambulance and Emergency Care Technician) is defined as the key to the chain of life in emergency medicine services and constitutes the most important part of Pre-Hospital Emergency Care; It is a healthcare professional who usually intervenes in a critical situation with a patient or injured person in the first place.

TurkeyParamedic profession is one of the departments in which professional inflation is experienced the most.

The task of paramedics; Assessing the condition of the sick or injured. Starting appropriate treatment at the scene according to the condition of the patient or injured person (Oxygen therapy, Dressing, Intubation, CPR, intravenous, intraosseous applications, etc.). After contacting the Command and Control Center and evaluating the appropriate hospitals according to the condition of the patient or the injured, continuing the treatment on the way and delivering the patient to the Emergency Service team of the hospital with the applications made. Paramedics are the only approved persons, with the exception of Doctors, who are authorized to use a variety of narcotic and sedative drugs, different in each country.


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