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What is a mastectomy? Why is it done? What are the types of mastectomy?

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mastectomy, breast cancer treatment It is a surgical operation in which the breast tissue is removed to be removed.

In the past years, the standard treatment of breast cancer was radical mastectomy operations, which were performed with complete removal of breast tissue, tumor, lymph nodes under the armpit and some muscles under the chest. However, with the development of medical technology and oncological surgical techniques, newer mastectomy techniques have emerged.

With the help of these techniques, opportunities such as protecting the breast skin in patients with suitable profiles, obtaining a more natural appearance after the procedure and performing operations in a less invasive way can be achieved.

Mastectomy can be performed on one breast or on both breasts at the same time.

After the mastectomy, the patient health Depending on the situation and preference, the breast can be reshaped with applications also called breast reconstruction. This procedure can be performed immediately after the mastectomy, or it can be planned as a new operation at a different date.


Mastectomy operation is divided into different types according to the technique of the procedure and which tissues are removed. These are as follows:

– Total (simple) mastectomy: It is a type of mastectomy in which the axillary lymph nodes and under-breast muscles are left in place while the breast tissue is completely removed.

– Double mastectomy: It is the process of removing both breasts, which is especially preferred in preventive treatment.

– Radical mastectomy: It is a mastectomy operation in which all of the breast tissue, lymph nodes in the armpit and the muscles under the breast are removed.

– Modified radical mastectomy: It is a mastectomy technique in which the chest muscles are left in place while all breast tissue and axillary lymph nodes are removed.

– Nipple sparing mastectomy: It is an innovative mastectomy technique in which the skin, nipple and peripheral breast tissue are left intact.

– Skin-sparing mastectomy: It is a mastectomy operation in which the breast tissue and nipple are removed, while the breast is restructured and the skin is left intact.

Apart from the above, many breast cancer considered as a treatment option for lumpectomyIt is an operation that protects the breast structure while removing the tumor and a small part of the healthy tissue around it.

Quadrenectomy On the other hand, it is a partial mastectomy technique in which more breast tissue is removed than lumpectomy, but still a large part of the breast is left in place. Although these techniques are minimally invasive breast cancer surgery techniques, they are applied only in suitable patients and mostly in combination with radiotherapy.


In patients who will undergo mastectomy operation, all information about the operation and its risks is conveyed to the patient by the physician.

Possible risks include complications such as bleeding, shoulder pain and stiffness, armpit numbness, pain, infection, edema, hematoma, and scarring. Necessary information about these is also given to the patient.

In patients who want to have breast reconstruction after mastectomy, the necessary planning should be done with the physician before the operation. Before the operation, if the use of blood thinners is in question at the time recommended by the physician, food and water consumption are stopped.

General anesthesia is applied to the patient at the beginning of the operation, then the mastectomy operation is started with the planned technique. An incision is made in the appropriate area and the skin on the breast tissue is separated and removed from the chest muscles.

In sentinel node dissection, a number of lymph nodes are removed from the axilla, whereas in patients who will undergo axillary lymph node dissection, only the first few nodes affected by the tumor are removed. This step is skipped in patients who do not require removal of lymph nodes.

removed lymph nodes cancer It is tested for signs of cancer, and if no problems are found, no other lymph node needs to be removed. If reconstruction is planned, the plastic surgeon will step in and perform the reshaping of the breast.

Then, drains are placed in the chest by the thoracic surgeon to prevent the accumulation of fluid from the armpit to the tumor area. After this procedure, the incision is stitched and bandaged and the operation is terminated. It is an operation that takes 2-3 hours on average, but if breast reconstruction is to be performed, the operation time may be longer.

Patients are usually kept under observation in the hospital for a few days.

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