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What exercises will ensure you have better sex? –

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The benefits of exercise for the body may be known, but its effect is also beneficial for sexual performance. According to research, certain types of exercises properly train those muscles, which are activated more strongly during sexual intercourse and increase endurance.

The exercises that also have “sexual benefits” are the following:

Exercises Kegel

Well-known for their beneficial effect on improving sex, as the muscles of the pelvic floor are strengthened and this can lead to more intense orgasms. Women may be more familiar with Kegel exercises, but they also help men prevent premature ejaculation. According to studies, however, half of people do them incorrectly. When urinating, empty your bladder and then squeeze as if trying to stop urination. Hold for about 1-5 seconds and relax. Repeat a few times regularly.

Cat-cow stretch

This is a familiar yoga pose, but in this particular case it can work as another form of foreplay. It relaxes your spine, helps you to have an even rhythm of breathing and improves focus – so your mind stays in the moment. Move with a steady flow so that each upward round (the “cow” part) is a full exhale and each downward arc (the “cat” part) is accompanied by a full inhalation.

Watch the video below to see the performance:


This is one of the best ways to strengthen the deepest layer of your abdominal muscles (transversus abdominis), along with your upper arms, thighs and glutes. These muscles help stabilize you so you can stay close to your partner when and where it counts most! Plank once a day and practice timing, holding it in the correct position for up to 60 seconds or more. If it’s too hard on your toes, try balancing on your knees.

The “frog” stance

This exercise will make you more flexible during contact, according to experts. This is an intense hip opener that stretches your inner thighs, groin and hips. It also releases stress, which can significantly affect sex life.


Harvard researchers found that men and women who swam consistently and regularly in their 60s had sex lives similar to those 20 years younger. Swimming builds endurance, enhances blood flow, improves flexibility and strength, and reduces stress.

Better together!

Couples who sweat together stay together! So schedule exercise with your significant other. Studies show that physical activities cause arousal. Coordinate your actions (for example, run at the same pace) to further strengthen your emotional connection.


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