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What daily habits can damage your skin –

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The skin is the body’s largest organ and the body’s first line of defense against environmental threats, from germs and air pollution to the weather. It is therefore important for our health to keep it in the best possible condition.

Unfortunately, many daily habits can damage it:

  1. You don’t wash your face before going to bed. The need for sleep is great after a hard day. But just because your face looks clean, doesn’t mean it is. Instead, it accumulates dirt, grease and dust particles, which can cause inflammation and pimples on the skin. So make sure to clean your face every night with a mild cleanser, suitable for your skin.
  2. You smoke. Nicotine reduces the perfusion of the skin, with the result that it does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the chemicals in tobacco damage the collagen and elastin fibers that give the skin its firmness. Studies have shown that the skin of smokers is thinner, duller, with more wrinkles and a reduced ability to heal. After several years of smoking, moreover, characteristic deep wrinkles develop around the lips and possibly around the eyes, which you unconsciously half-close constantly to protect them from the smoke.
  3. You don’t wear sunscreen every day. Sunscreen is necessary every day, all days of the year, because the sun’s ultraviolet radiation penetrates most of the clouds at all times of the year. Apply sunscreen daily to exposed areas of your skin with an SPF of at least 30.
  4. Eat lots of carbohydrates and few fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that a diet rich in refined carbohydrates can accelerate the aging process. Many carbohydrates contain foods with added sugar (eg sweets, candies, ice creams, cookies, cakes, breakfast cereals, juices, soft drinks, coffees, etc.), white bread, white pasta, white breakfast cereals, etc. .a.

A skin-friendly diet should contain plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains and occasional simple carbohydrates.

  1. Pop your pimples. This habit can lead to infections and scarring. It is better to try to fight pimples with some special cream. Benzene peroxide and salicylic acid are two effective treatments. But be careful with their content of these ingredients, because it varies significantly from product to product and if you overdo it, you can cause skin irritation. It is best to consult a dermatologist about the product that suits your skin.
  2. You are exfoliating too much. If your skin is dry or flaky, you probably have severe dry skin. Exfoliating with a gentle but moisturizing product can help. In addition, it will allow the other treatments recommended by the dermatologist to reach deeper into the skin, so that they work better. However, you should not exfoliate every day, because you remove the skin’s natural fat (sebum) and moisture. This increases the risk of infections and premature wrinkling. Limit exfoliation to 1-2 times a week in winter (in summer it should be done more often, 2-3 times a week).
  3. You are using wrong or old products. The products you use must first suit your skin type. It is wrong, for example, to use a heavy moisturizer if you have oily skin or creams with fruit ingredients if you have sensitive skin. The same is true if you use the wrong hair care products. In such cases there can be consequences, ranging from clogged pores and pimples to allergic reactions. Accordingly, when using expired products, you risk skin irritations and infections. The same when using brushes, sponges, etc. which you do not wash often. These products can be contaminated with bacteria and cause you many problems.
  4. You don’t drink enough water. If you’re dehydrated, your skin will be too. If you have more pimples than usual, make sure you drink enough water. Remember that water is the basis of the fluids that the body produces, so it is necessary for the production (and) of sebum, and that dry skin is vulnerable to infection.
  5. Bathe too often and/or with very hot water. The shower removes from the skin the natural fat (sebum) which is its natural barrier. If you bathe 2-3 times a day (e.g. in the morning before you leave the house, immediately after you sweat and in the evening before you go out), you are overdoing it. You are at risk of developing severe dry skin, in which the skin “cracks”, is sensitive to the touch and ultimately prone to infection. You should be equally careful if you bathe in very hot water or wash your face with hot water. And in this case you disturb the balance of your skin. Bathe once a day or every other day, with lukewarm water to maintain the pH balance.
  6. You are not cleaning your mobile screen. Studies have shown that mobile phones are the most contaminated objects in our possession. This makes sense: just think about how many times you’ve taken your phone to the bathroom with you and how many different surfaces you touch it to every day. So, because every time you make a phone call, bacteria is transferred from the mobile phone to your face, make sure to disinfect the screen once a day. There are special products for this purpose.


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