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What causes fatigue, how does it pass? What is good for fatigue?

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Sudden onset (acute) or long-term (chronic) infections in the body can also cause a person to become physically weak.

Other possible causes of weakness are botulism, direct or indirect exposure to chemicals such as pesticides, or food poisoning. In addition, some of the ailments listed below can also cause fatigue:

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS; a serious neuromuscular disease that causes muscle weakness and disability.),
– Anemia,
– Cancer treatments,
– Diabetes,
– Exposure to toxic substances or poisons,
– Fibromyalgia (chronic pain conditions that cause pain, stiffness and tenderness in the body),
– Hypothyroidism,
– Infections (such as Lyme, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS),
– Not enought feeding,
– Multiple sclerosis (a condition that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing fatigue and other problems),
– Muscle destruction (Rhabdomyolysis),
– Muscular dystrophies (An inherited disorder that causes progressive loss of muscle tissue and muscle weakness.),
– Myasthenia gravis (An autoimmune disorder that causes progressive loss of muscle tissue and muscle weakness.),
– Vitamin deficiencies (Iron, B12, folic acid etc.)
– Polymyositis (widespread inflammation and weakness of the muscles),
– Respiratory failure conditions (such as asthma, COPD, pulmonary edema),
– Arrhythmias (Irregular heartbeats),
– Congestive heart failure,
– Dehydration (severe and life-threatening loss of body fluids and electrolytes if left untreated),
– Kidney failure.

If malaise is present with other symptoms such as abdominal pain, general body cramps, fever, chills or a general feeling of sickness, contact the nearest health institution should be contacted.


For the treatment of fatigue, first of all, it is necessary to determine the factor or factors that cause fatigue. However, sometimes there are some states of weakness that develop without being connected to any disease. For example, seasonal changes, temporary periods in which some mental disorders are experienced, insufficient sleep You may experience fatigue when you take it.

If your fatigue complaint has become a constant state and your quality of life has decreased, you should immediately consult a doctor. Your doctor will determine if there is any underlying disease that is the cause of your fatigue. If you are experiencing fatigue due to a disease, the treatment process of that disease is started.

For example, if it is determined that you are experiencing fatigue due to anemia, blood is supplemented, or if you are experiencing fatigue because your thyroid glands are underactive, treatment is started to make your thyroid glands work faster. If you have a problem of fatigue, you should never drink various vitamins on your own without going to the doctor, without an examination, with hearsay. Because the excess and unconscious vitamins given to the body can lead to your poisoning.


If your fatigue problem is constant and leaves you behind from your daily life, you should definitely consult a doctor. Among the general tests you should have for fatigue, you can have blood tests, thyroid tests, sugar tests, tests to determine whether it is related to joints and rheumatic diseases.


One of the best things to do to get rid of the complaint of fatigue is to get used to eating snacks. If you do not give certain nutrients to your body at the right times, it is inevitable that you will feel sluggish during the day.

Especially in the afternoon, that is, between lunch and dinner, you should definitely consume some food. Having two snacks between 12 noon and 7 pm and consuming a fruit in one, diet type biscuits or low-calorie foods in the other snack will be extremely beneficial to eliminate your fatigue.

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