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What can happen to our body if we stop having sex… –

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There are not a few – men and women – who at some point in their lives stop making love.

For some this is one short “break” in their sex life while for others it is being consolidated as a new normality.

But what can happen to your body when you stop having sex? Dr Mark Lawton from the British Sexual Health Association gives us some possible answers.

You may feel more stressed and depressed

Sex is not something that makes us feel good at that moment only – it can cheer us up for the whole day and help us face every difficulty and setback more effectively.

This is caused by secretion of endorphins during and after sexual intercourse. So, when you stop having sex you will no longer benefit from the “injections” of endorphins. Some small studies have found that people who have regular sex had a better response to stress than those who masturbated or had sex without penetration. “Penis-vaginal interaction, and not exclusively other sexual interactions, are associated with better psychological and physiological functioning of the organism” comments Dr Stuart Brody from the University of Paisley.

You are likely to get sick more often

A study from Wilkes-Barre University has found that people who make love regularly also have higher levels of IgA (secretory immunoglobulin A), an antibody that helps your body’s defense against pathogenic viruses.

You are more at risk of prostate cancer

Frequent ejaculation protects men from prostate cancer. Related research done at Boston University reports that the risk of developing prostate cancer was about 20% lower for men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month, compared to men who were limited to 4 to 7 times in the same period of time. Experts have not yet figured out how this connection works, but they think it’s possible that the prostate accumulates cancer-causing substances that are excreted in ejaculation.

Your sexual desire will decrease

When you stop having sex, your libido will gradually decrease (libido) so you will also stop missing sexual intercourse. Men who stop making love have lower testosterone levels in their body. And this hormonal reaction triggers a negative vicious cycle. “When one does not have sex, the level of testosterone in the body decreases, which in turn decreases libido and correspondingly sexual desire” explains Dr. Lawton.


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