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What are the benefits of purslane? How to consume purslane?

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Purslane is a herbaceous plant from the purslane family. Its body is flat on the ground, its leaves are oval, smooth and fleshy. The stems are yellow and reddish. It usually has yellow flowers. The wild purslane grown in summer can easily be found in fields and gardens, on the slopes of the mountains. It usually grows in thin, bare areas between cultivated fields.

Maximum benefit is obtained from wild and fresh. The small green leaves and young stems are eaten. Consuming it raw allows us to benefit more from its nutritional value. It has many uses, from salad to food.


Thanks to the omega-3 content of purslane, the skin looks more alive.

Omega-3 is very important for the skin nourished by capillaries.

With its relaxing effect on the nerves, it plays a supportive role in eliminating the negative effects of fatigue and stress on the skin.

It is effective in balancing the skin color.

Thanks to its strong antioxidant effect, it has a protective effect on acne and acne problems.

– It helps the skin to look healthier as it helps to maintain sleep patterns.

It is very rich in carotenoids, which is a very effective substance on skin care. Carotenoid is a form of vitamin A from plant sources.

What are the benefits of purslane?  How to consume purslane?  - one


Purslane, which is a complete healing store, takes its place among the most popular foods on the tables with its unique taste as well as its benefits. It is one of the indispensable foods with its delicious taste in the mouth, used in salads, appetizers, vegetable dishes and other places. If you want to collect purslane from a pot or garden, you can take care to collect it by hand, not with a knife or different cutting materials.

It would be more correct to choose dark green ones instead of purslane with a light green color. If the leaves of the plant have grown, you need to make sure that there are no black seeds on the head. If you want to consume this plant, which is a source of healing, after carefully choosing it, you can clean the root parts and wash it from the residues and mud left on the plant.

For a deeper and healthier cleaning, you can keep the vegetable in vinegar water for a certain period of time, rinse it one more time and consume it with pleasure. If you have more purslane left than you can use at one time, you can wait for the purslane you have cleaned to dry and wrap it in a freezer bag so that it does not get air from the outside. If you need it, you can evaluate the plant for reuse.

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Purslane protects cardiovascular health

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in purslane content, help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body and can prevent the risks of heart attack. Potassium in its content relaxes blood pressure, that is, blood vessels and protects the heart.

Accelerates blood circulation

Iron and copper minerals in purslane help the production of red blood cells. Both of these minerals are essential for boosting circulation by delivering more oxygen to important parts of the body and increasing the rate at which cells and organs heal. Iron and copper also help in hair growth.

Supports some digestive system

It can prevent constipation by relaxing the digestive system. It is especially recommended for those with stomach discomfort, as it is good for ulcers. It is also useful against hemorrhoids. Vitamin A in its content helps maintain healthy mucous membranes. It is used in the treatment of many intestinal problems, especially in Chinese medicine.

Prevents cancer

The high amounts of vitamins A and C contained in purslane act as antioxidants, helping to prevent lung and mouth cancer in particular. In addition, the betalin pigment group, which gives the vegetable its unique color, prevents free radicals from causing mutations in healthy cells, thus preventing the development of cancer.

strengthens bones

It is a healthy option for those who want to prevent bone loss. Calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese in its content are all minerals necessary to develop bone tissue and accelerate the healing process of bones in our body. These minerals protect bones against osteoporosis.

Increases eyesight

Purslane is an important vitamin A store that protects eye health. It can also prevent macular degeneration (macular degeneration) and cataract formation by eliminating free radicals that attack eye cells and cause age-related diseases.

Supports child development

It helps children’s brain development. Some studies have shown that the omega-3 fatty acids in this green leafy vegetable help reduce some developmental disorders such as autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.

Helps to lose weight

Purslane is an important food for those who want to lose weight because it is a vegetable that is very low in calories but very high in fiber. There are many purslane cures that can help burn fat. One of them is purslane cure with yoghurt. Moreover:

-Balances blood sugar

Thanks to the vitamins it contains, it is good for fatigue and weakness and gives energy.

– Strengthens the immune system.

– The porridge made from purslane is applied externally and reduces the infection caused by bee and snake stings. It is good for burns and abscesses. It sheds warts. Boiled water is useful in boils.

Its seeds, which are pounded in the air and mixed with boiled water or milk, help to shed intestinal worms.

– It is good for skin beauty and health. Reduces wrinkles, removes scars and blemishes. It is also good for eczema.

– It is a good diuretic.

-Helps prevent anemia.

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