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USA to ask for Covid-19 test from passengers from China

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Chinese While there has been a great increase in Covid-19 cases recently, ABDA step has come for passengers from China.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that as of January 5, 2023, they have decided to make the Covid-19 test and submit a negative test mandatory for those coming from China to the USA.

In a written statement from the CDC, it was stated that the application will also apply to people who will travel from Hong Kong and Macau.

In the statement, it was stated that this measure was taken on the grounds that the data from China was not “sufficient and transparent”, and it was stated that different variants of Covid-19 continue to emerge around the world.

In the statement, it was stated that the test will be requested from everyone aged 2 and over, vaccinated or unvaccinated, who will travel from China, and that the application will also be valid for people who make a transit flight through a third country.

Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases, countries such as Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, India, Taiwan and Italy have introduced additional measures for passengers traveling from China, many of which have required negative test submissions.

USA will ask for Covid-19 test from passengers from China - 1

Chinese National Health The Commission announced on 20 December that new standards were introduced for keeping Covid-19 statistics. Accordingly, it was reported that from now on, only deaths caused by pneumonia and respiratory failure due to the virus will be recorded, and those who lost their lives from complications such as chronic diseases or heart attacks, although the Covid-19 test is positive, will not be included in the statistics.

China previously defined deaths from Covid-19 more broadly. Elderly patients with chronic diseases and those who died from a heart attack were considered dead from Kovid-19 if the test result was positive.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that deaths “assumed” or “probable” to be caused by Covid-19 should also be recorded. Many countries still adopt this broad definition in their statistics.


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