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US Food and Drug Administration approves new drug shown to slow Alzheimer’s

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The FDA reported that the drug, called Leqembi, will be prescribed to patients with mild or early stages of the disease.

The drug, approved by the FDA for use, is the first of its kind to show that it can slow the deterioration of memory and thinking.

But experts think it will only take a few months for the drug to delay cognitive deterioration.

US Food and Drug Administration approves new drug observed to slow Alzheimer's


“This drug is not a cure. It doesn’t prevent patients from getting worse, it just measurably slows the progression of the disease,” neurologist Joy Snider from the University of Washington told NBC.

On the other hand, experts draw attention to the side effects that the drug may cause swelling in the brain or the need for treatment by infusion twice a month.

Japon Eisai ve ABDIt is stated that a one-year Alzheimer’s treatment with Leqembi, produced by its partner Biogen, will cost approximately 26 thousand 500 dollars.

It is estimated that there are 6 million Alzheimer’s patients in the United States.

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