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Turkey can’t find rabies vaccine

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Melike Sahin/NTV

Turkey is experiencing difficulties in the supply of rabies vaccine.

Health Ministry of Health sent a letter to health institutions about the unnecessary use of rabies vaccine about two weeks ago. Then, the rabies vaccine application in the emergency services was subject to the approval of the infectious diseases specialist.

Stating that there are problems in procurement from abroad and that rabies vaccine cannot be reached not only in Turkey but also in the emergency services of other countries, President of the Turkish Emergency Medicine Association, Prof. Dr. Serkan Yılmaz said, “The last vaccines in the warehouses of our directorates were distributed. Currently using these distributed vaccines. For this reason, there are certain hospitals. But I know that there are problems especially in Izmir, in the Mediterranean Region, and in some places in Southeastern Anatolia,” he said.


Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases has also published a statement regarding the rabies vaccine being subject to the approval of an infectious diseases specialist. The statement said, “This is an application that can cause significant delays considering the workload. Delay outside of working hours will create an even more important problem,” the statement said.

Yılmaz, who also said that they had training on rabies, stated that he did not think that the vaccine was used unnecessarily and continued his words as follows:

“When there was a problem in accessing the vaccine, there was an opinion that we were consuming too much. Currently, approval of infectious diseases specialist is required. Trying to solve the problem of getting a vaccine by limiting its use is the wrong method. Infectious disease specialists are not always in the emergency room. This causes the work to be prolonged and the waiting time in the emergency room to increase.


Rabies It’s a 100 percent deadly disease. The only remedy is vaccination, and it is 100 percent effective when done on time. In the last 10 years in Turkey, 20 people died due to rabies.


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