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Suna Dumankaya Skin Masks

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Suna Dumankaya skin masksare various skin care masks that many women have tried and are satisfied with the results. Since each of these masks are made with materials that can be found in everyone’s kitchen at home, you do not have to spend extra. natural care at home you can application.

Suna Dumankaya Skin Masks

In this article, Suna Dumankaya’s most popular and influential skin mask recipes has been researched and presented together for you. By taking them among the natural formulas you apply for your beauty, you can have a healthier and more beautiful skin.

Skin Mask Recipe for Freckles from Suna Dumankaya

Necessary materials

  • 100 grams of white kidney beans
  • They are 1 liter

Making and Application of the Mask

Let the kidney beans soften by soaking them the night before. The next day, take 1 liter of water and soaked kidney beans in a pot and boil them until they are cooked. After turning off the stove, drain the kidney beans. Apply this red kidney bean juice to the areas with freckles on your face or hands for 5 days. At the end of this period, you can see with your own eyes that the clarity of the freckles has decreased.

Clay Mask for Acne Skin

Acne Mask Recipe by Suna Dumankaya

If you regularly apply this mask, which can be applied to all skin types except dry skin and is effective in removing acne, you can get rid of acne in a short time and have a smooth skin.

Necessary Ingredients for Acne Mask

  • 1 coffee spoon of dry yeast
  • 1 aspirin
  • 1 teaspoon of oxygenated water

Making and Application of Acne Mask

First, crush the aspirin in a mortar. Mix crushed aspirin, oxygenated water and dry yeast in a bowl to form a mask. Apply the mask well to the area where you have acne on your face and leave it for 15 minutes to act on your skin. Then rinse your face with lukewarm water. If the pimples on your skin are prone to bursting or wounding Suna Dumankaya Acne Mask it should be applied after the wounds have healed.

Skin Mask Recipe for Acne by Suna Dumankaya

Recommended by Suna Dumankaya for acne-prone skin, this mask is not recommended for those with dry and sensitive skin, as it may dry out the skin.

Materials Required for Suna Dumankaya Acne Mask

  • half a tomato
  • 1 coffee spoon of clay
  • 3 drops of lemon juice
  • 1.5 teaspoons of sesame oil

Preparation and Application of the Mask

After peeling the skin of the tomato, put it in a glass bowl and mash it with a fork. Then add clay, lemon juice and sesame oil into the bowl and mix until it reaches a spreadable consistency. Apply the mask you have prepared to the acne-prone areas. Wait for the mask to dry on your skin and then wash your face with warm water to complete the application. If you apply this mask regularly, 2 days a week, you can get rid of acne and have a healthier skin.

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Skin Moisturizing Mask Recipe from Suna Dumankaya

Dry skin, in particular, needs regular moisturizing. By applying this moisturizing mask once a week, you can have a soft and glowing skin.

Ingredients for Skin Moisturizing Mask

  • 1 egg (yolk will be used)
  • 1 teaspoon unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons of organic honey
  • 2 coffee spoons of milk

Making and Application of the Skin Moisturizing Mask

Mix all the ingredients together in a glass bowl and mix well. Apply the mask you prepared on your face as if applying a cream. After keeping it on your face for 20 minutes, wash off the mask with plenty of warm water.

Skin Revitalizing Mask Recipe by Suna Dumankaya

This skin-refreshing mask is especially recommended for those with combination skin types. You can apply the mask once a week for a healthier and more vibrant looking skin.

Necessary Ingredients for Skin Revitalizing Mask

  • 1 teaspoon of natural honey
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin
  • 1 teaspoon of soy flour

Making and Application of the Mask

Mix the specified amount of honey, glycerin and soy flour in a glass bowl to form a paste. Massage the invigorating mask on your face, wait for 15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

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Cleansing and Exfoliating Skin Mask by Suna Dumankaya

You can apply this peeling effective mask once every 2 weeks, which cleans the skin deeply and makes it more beautiful and bright.

Materials Required for Making the Mask

  • 1 teaspoon of oatmeal
  • 1 teaspoon of organic honey
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of hot water

Making and Application of the Mask

Mix all the ingredients well in a deep bowl. Apply the mask by rubbing your face without battering it. Leave it on your face for 10 minutes and then remove it from your face by rubbing it with a damp cloth without pressing too much. Finish by rinsing with lukewarm water.

Mask Recipe That Regulates Skin Color by Suna Dumankaya

If you have color tone differences on your face, you can get rid of this problem by applying this mask, which we will give you the recipe for. We would like to give a small warning to those who will try the mask, after cleaning the mask from your face, you should not go out in the sun for a while. You can do this application once a week.

Ingredients Required for Mask Regulating Skin Color

  • 1 tablespoon of red wine
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt

Making and Application of the Mask

Whisk together the yogurt and red wine in a bowl. Apply the mask on your face, wait for it to dry a little, then apply another layer. After waiting for 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water and remove the mask.

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Mask Recipe for Acne Scars from Suna Dumankaya

The scars they leave behind, as well as the acne, create a bad image. Those who want to get rid of this annoying problem can overcome the problem by applying the mask once a week.

Necessary Ingredients for Effective Mask Against Acne Scars

  • 1 tablespoon of vodka
  • 1.5 coffee spoons of apple juice
  • 2 teaspoons of apricot oil
  • Oatmeal as much as possible

Making and Application of the Mask

Add vodka, apple juice and apricot oil in the specified dimensions into a deep glass bowl. Then add oat flour little by little into the mixture to make it a mask. Apply the mask to the areas with acne scars, leave it on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse it off. You can do this mask once a week to remove acne scars.

We give you Skin mask recipes from Suna Dumankaya You can also contribute to your natural beauty by taking care of your skin.


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