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Suna Dumankaya acne and blackhead masks

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Suna Dumankaya acne and blackhead masks: Suna Dumankaya gives many natural care formulas to women to have more beautiful skin and well-groomed hair in the television programs she participates in. In this article, we will discuss the common problem of many women. acne and natural formulas for blackheads we are discussing the issue. According to your skin problem, you can try the most suitable masks and cures for you. For those who want to say goodbye to acne and blackheads Acne mask recipes from Suna Dumankaya:

Honey Cinnamon Acne Mask

  • 3 tablespoons of strained honey
  • 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon

In a deep bowl, mix the honey and cinnamon thoroughly until they reach a spreadable consistency. Then, massage the mask you prepared on your face and eat it thoroughly. After keeping the mask on your face for 15 minutes, you can rinse it off with warm water. Honey Cinnamon acne mask When used regularly, the skin is purified from toxins and breathes easily. As a result of this, the existing pimples disappear because they cannot stay on the cleaned skin and the formation of new acne is prevented.

Herbal Mask that Eliminates Blackheads

Blackheads are the initial stage of acne. Intervention of these in a timely manner will be effective in preventing the formation of acne. For those who want to try for black spots herbal formula:

  • 1 teaspoon castile soap
  • 1 drop of thyme oil

Mix the ingredients well with each other and apply on your face. When you apply this mixture regularly every day, the bottom layer of your skin is cleaned and the black spots on the skin are purified from toxins.

Effective Mask Against Blackheads

  • 1 coffee spoon of yogurt
  • 10 drops of lemon juice

Squeeze 10 drops of lemon into the yogurt you bought in a bowl and mix the ingredients well. Apply the mask you have prepared by feeding it on your face, wait for 20 minutes for it to take effect, then wash your face with warm water and remove the mask. You will apply it regularly 2 times a week. effective mask against blackheads Thanks to this, you can have a clean and smooth skin.

Effective Vitamin C Mask Against Acne

Grate the peel of 1 orange with the fine side of the grater and crush it a little. Apply this to the areas where you have acne. With this application that you will do every day with orange peel, you can say goodbye to acne.

Tonic For Pimples

  • 2 teaspoons of rose water
  • 2 coffee spoons of lemon juice

After mixing the specified amount of ingredients well in a bowl, dip a piece of cotton into this tonic and wipe your face. Natural tonic for acne If you apply this mixture regularly every day, you can get rid of acne in a short time.

Suna Dumankaya acne and blackhead masks Thanks to this, you can achieve a healthier and more beautiful skin. Before concluding our article, we would like to make a small reminder about this; Do not squeeze the blackheads and pimples on your skin in any way, and if you have scars on your skin due to acne, apply after these have disappeared.


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