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Spots and freckles: how they appear and how you can “erase” them –

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The vast majority of skin discolorations caused by solar radiation are unsightly but harmless. According to the experts, every minute that the sun touches the face, hands or shoulders is aggravating. In our country, where the intense sunshine lasts for many months, the percentage of people who get them, despite the remarkable efforts they make to protect their skin, is high. Although there is only one way to avoid them, the systematic use of sunscreen, there are several options for their treatment.

Freckles are small dark spots, usually smaller than 5 mm, where skin cells have caused intense pigmentation. Ethey are common in children, as over time they tend to disappear or become less noticeable. They appear in the summer on areas of the skin that are left more exposed, such as the face, arms and shoulders, while in the winter they are likely to disappear or become less pronounced as new skin cells replace the old ones. Most have an even color, which varies according to skin tone. In others they are red and in others light or dark brown, black or any color that is darker than the skin color. Essentially they are not a sign of damage but a way of defending the skin against the rays UVA, UVB and UVC.

In particular, the protection of the body from solar radiation is done by the production of two types of melanin called pheomelanin and eumelanin. Eumelanin protects the skin from UV rays, while pheomelanin does not.

The type of melanin the body produces depends on a gene (MC1R). People with dark hair, eyes and skin usually produce mostly eumelanin and are less likely to develop freckles, while those with red, blonde or light brown hair, light skin and eyes produce mainly pheomelanin and are more likely to develop freckles. Only those with a mutation in this gene will get them after exposure to the sun. Without it, no matter how much time someone spends in the sun they will not develop freckles.

Repeated exposure to the sun over the years can also lead to other pigmentary damage to the skin, i.e. an overproduction of melanin in certain parts of it, which manifests itself in the appearance of darker spots. These are larger in size than freckles and are most often found on the arms, face, shoulders, back, hands and upper legs. While they are most common in people over 50, even younger adults can develop spots. Although fair-skinned people are more likely to develop them, they are also lucky, as they have a better prognosis compared to those with darker skin.

There are also hyperpigmentations that are due to other causes besides exposure to solar radiation. These are the post-inflammatory ones, those caused by hormonal reasons (eg pregnancy and taking birth control pills) and by taking some medications.

Both freckles and spots are benign. However, in some cases they resemble other skin lesions that are or may develop into malignancies. That’s why it’s important to monitor them.

However, any pigmented lesion is unsightly. Fortunately, there are several treatments available, and choosing the right one can erase even the slightest scar.

More specifically, laser hyperpigmentation removal is extremely effective. Its beam is absorbed by the cells that have produced more melanin, turns into heat and breaks down the melanin, without affecting the surrounding tissues. From 1 to 3 sessions are required to complete the treatment, the results of which are spectacular from the very first application.

Another painless way to get rid of skin marks is microneedling treatment, which activates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms and begins the process of correcting the uneven distribution of melanin. At the same time it stimulates the production of collagen, through the pricking of the skin with micro-needles. After 4-6 treatments, the skin acquires an even tone and looks truly renewed.

Both of these treatments cause a gentle peeling and then the emergence of new skin.

Phototherapy, the beneficial properties of which are known from the treatment of many diseases, has also found application in the treatment of freckles, freckles, spots, etc. The light targets the melanocytes, regulating the production of melanin and breaking down its excess. The number of sessions required is 6 to 8.

For the disappearance of skin discolorations there are also hydrogel masks, which contain herbal ingredients that have whitening, antioxidant and restorative properties and are particularly pleasant to apply. In mild cases a mask is enough to restore the skin’s evenness.

Nanopeeling also offers a reduction in the proliferation of melanocytes and the production of melanin, through the transfer of special ingredients to the melanocytes with nanocapsules. The maximum number of sessions needed to achieve an optimal result is 4 to 6.

In any case, the specialist dermatologist or plastic surgeon will suggest the most suitable solution.


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