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Sex while you sleep? But it can be done! –

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This is not a joke, but a sleep disorder, called sexsomnia, sexsomnia in Greek.

So, apart from sleep apnea, snoring, sleepwalking, insomnia, talkativeness, interrupted sleep, we learn that there are people who have “dream” sexliterally in his sleep.

  • Sexsomnia is therefore defined as a sleep disorder that includes any form of sexual behavior that takes place while the person is asleep. A variant of sexsomnia involves sexual behavior, which is observed while the person is in a confused state, that is, in a state of partial awakening from sleep and without being conscious of their actions.

It affects about 7.6% of the population and is more common in men than women.

People diagnosed with sexsomnia have sex, masturbate, have oral sex, but when they wake up, they don’t remember anything. It usually occurs in the early hours of deep sleep and may occur more than once. The person suffering from this disorder can open their eyes and act alert, but remain amnesiac.

Symptoms include pelvic thrusting, foreplay, behavior that mimics sexual interest, and maintaining a blank eye contact, often with more aggressive sex.

As with other sleep disorders, the most common reason for sexsomnia is sleep deprivation and stress. Certain medications may also be responsible.

However, published research has shown that an orgasm before bed boosts the quality of a night’s rest.

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