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Sex is not only pleasure, it has many health benefits. See what these are. –

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Sex is not only pleasurable. It can also have several benefits for the body.

What can a healthy sex life offer?

  1. It helps the immune system: According to sexual health expert Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD “people who are satisfied with their sex lives need fewer sick leave days.” Sex can help boost immunity against germs, viruses and other microorganisms. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania observed that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of an antibody than those who had sex less often.
  2. Enhances libido: “By having more sex, you make it better and more enjoyable, resulting in an elevated libido,” says Lauren Streicher, MD.
  3. Improves bladder control: 30% of women will experience urinary incontinence at some point in their lives. Enjoyable sex is a kind of exercise for the muscles of the area, resulting in their strengthening.
  4. It keeps blood pressure low: According to research, there is a correlation between sex and lower blood pressure, reports Joseph J. Pinzone, MD. “There are many studies, one very important one of which observed that sex (and not masturbation) can lower systolic blood pressure,” he adds.
  5. Counts for exercise: Sex is a form of exercise according to experts. It certainly can’t replace a few kilometers on the treadmill at the gym, but it does have some effect. During sex, about 5 calories are consumed per minute, 4 calories more than watching TV. Sex raises the heart rate and activates a variety of muscles.
  6. Good for the heart: in addition to increasing heart rates, sex keeps estrogen and testosterone levels in balance. When either of the 2 hormones (depending on gender) is low, various problems such as osteoporosis or heart disease occur. According to a study, sex can help as it was observed that men who had sex at least 2 times a week were 50% less likely to die from heart disease.
  7. Reduces the chance of prostate cancer: In a study it was observed that men who came into contact with ejaculation at least 21 times in a month had a lower chance of developing prostate cancer. The study was published in Journal of the American Medical Association.
  8. Improves sleep: Have you noticed that you sleep better after sex? Indeed, after an orgasm, the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the feeling of relaxation, is released.
  9. Reduces stress: intimacy during sex with your partner can help reduce stress and anxiety. According to experts, touching and cuddling can lead to the release of a brain chemical that enhances pleasure and promotes stress reduction.

Source: webmd


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