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See which daily habits contribute to the premature aging of your skin –

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A healthy lifestyle can not only make you live longer, but also make you look younger. Most of us wish to age gracefully, or at least not look and feel older than we actually are. You might think it all depends on genetics, but it can actually be achieved with a lot of discipline and good habits as well.

In addition to our DNA, which determines the speed and degree of skin aging, there are others factors where is aggravating for our skin.

You certainly cannot change your DNA, but you can get rid of some daily habits which contribute to premature aging.

Apart from excessive exposure to the sun, here are some of the daily mistakes that “ruin” your skin, and make you look older. Turn back the clock by simply turning your back on these habits:

Smoking: The hundreds of toxins in cigarette smoke cause blood vessels to constrict, preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching the skin. “Smoking greatly accelerates how quickly the skin ages,” says the AAD. “It causes wrinkles and a dull, pale complexion.” At the same time, these toxins damage the blood vessels, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. According a study which was published on JAMA researchers found that smokers had three times the wrinkles of non-smokers.

The sleep: Lack of sleep significantly affects health and appearance. Research shows that insufficient sleep is linked to high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain and wrinkles. According a study which was published on Clinical and Experimental Dermatology women who reported good sleep quality experienced 30% better “skin barrier recovery” than those who got poor sleep and had “significantly lower intrinsic skin aging”

The sugar: Excessive consumption of sugar not only causes weight gain, but also premature appearance of wrinkles, as well as dullness of the skin. The cause is the process of glycosylation, in which sugar found in the blood combines with proteins, forming harmful molecules that destroy collagen and reduce the elasticity of the skin. According a study which published in the journal Clinical Dermatology sugar binds to and destroys collagen and elastin, the compounds that keep our skin firm and youthful – and effectively prevents the body from repairing them.

The sedentary life: Exercise is the best way to prevent aging, but many have associated it exclusively with weight loss. Moderate exercise can improve circulation and boost the immune system,” says the American Academy of Dermatology. “This, in turn, can give the skin a more youthful appearance.” The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise (such as brisk walking) a day to prevent heart disease.

Not removing your makeup at night: It is important to get into the habit of removing your makeup every day and cleansing your skin of the day’s impurities. Makeup can trap oil and impurities in the skin, including dirt and grime – which can contribute to the aging process through free radical damage

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages: We should not forget that every alcoholic drink has a negative effect on our skin, but the impact is negligible if we do not succumb to excesses and abuses. To prevent premature aging and reduce the risk of cancer or heart disease, experts recommend no more than two drinks a day for men and one for women.

Eating processed meats: The preservatives contained in processed meats, such as sausages, bacon and salami, can release free radicals into the body, which lead to oxidation of cells and DNA.

The lack of sex: Sex lifts the mood but also has great health benefits. Studies show that people who have an active sex life have a stronger immune system and face a lower risk of heart disease and cancer. At the same time, sex can make you look up to 12 years younger!


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