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See what it means if you have ridges on your nails –

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Nails can give you an insight into your overall health. If something is going on in your body, your nails may start to change, sometimes developing ridges. Depending on how the nail ridges look, consider whether you need to see your doctor.

What do vertical nail ridges mean?

Lines running from the bottom of the nail to the tip are the most common form of nail striations, affecting approximately 20 percent of adults. In the vast majority of cases, it’s just a sign of aging, says Ivy Lee, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in California. Fingernails are made up mainly from keratin , a protein also found in hair and the outer layer of the skin. In the same way that skin dries out and hair becomes coarser, nails also change with age because the body has difficulty retaining moisture.

Other nail changes

But if you see other changes in the nails, such as splitting or discoloration, you may want to see a doctor. In rare cases, nail protrusions may it’s a sign anemia rheumatoid arthritis or cardiovascular problems, according to research in Indian Dermatology Online Journal

What do horizontal nail ridges mean?

Nail ridges that run from one side to the other are less common. Also known as Beau’s lines, they could signal disease or simply be a remnant of an old injury, Dr. Lee says. “They occur because there is a temporary cessation of nail growth in the proximal nail matrix, where the nail is made,” he says. “They are usually benign and are due to mechanical trauma: a manicure, jamming a finger in a door, etc.”

Sometimes, however, they indicate a skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis or chronic paronychia (an infection of the nail folds that makes the skin swollen and red), so inspect your skin and fingers for signs of redness and rash. Your dermatologist can provide the appropriate treatment

Symptom of larger health problems

Nail ridges aren’t just about the skin – they can also be a sign of other systemic problems. For example, one hyperfunctional the underactive thyroid it can affect the hormones responsible for the growth of nails, skin and hair, causing the nails in some cases to be ridged. If all 20 fingernails and toenails develop Beau’s lines at the same time, they will it could even be an infection such as pneumonia, mumps or syphilis, or even a heart, liver or kidney problem, according to research in Indian Dermatology Online Journal . Especially if your ridged nails have also become thinner, discolored, or misshapen, schedule a visit with your dermatologist to figure out the problem, Dr. Lee says.


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