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Sanctions are in effect for those who do not cancel their hospital appointment.

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MHRSA new application has started against hospital appointments not made in .

The Ministry has recently implemented a new application in MHRS, which provides inspection appointment services to public health institutions and organizations.

Accordingly, those who do not go to the appointment they have made through the system and do not cancel it will not be able to get an appointment from the same branch again for 15 days.

Apart from the appointment time, the same situation will be valid for people who were examined in the same branch earlier and whose appointment was found to be empty for this reason.

With the new application, it is aimed to ensure that the doctor’s appointments that will not be visited are canceled on time, thus preventing the difficulties of those with priority needs regarding MHRS appointments.

Sanction is in effect for those who do not cancel their hospital appointment - 1


In this context, when an appointment is made through the MHRS, people face “Dear citizen, if you do not go to your appointment or cancel your appointment that you will not go to, it will be possible to make an appointment again in the same branch only after 15 days.” warning pops up.

An information message is sent to people who do not go to an appointment despite the warning, do not cancel it in advance, or who are determined to have been examined in the same branch earlier than the appointment time, stating that they can make an appointment only after 15 days.


It is important that people who cannot go to appointments made through MHRS cancel it at least 2 days in advance, both to make room for other people who want to be examined and not to put the health system into trouble.

The system also includes appointment reminder or cancellation services via SMS and voice call. Those who use this feature are reminded one day before the appointment date.


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