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Safe and necessary facial treatments before going to the beach –

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Our exposure to intense solar radiation during the summer months, along with swimming in seawater or pool chlorine, takes the shine off our skin. Our face becomes dehydrated, “raisins”, fills wrinkles and the already existing ones can become even deeper.

What can we do in these conditions to protect our skin and keep it young and glowing?

Because, let’s not forget, a very well-moisturized skin can defend itself effectively against the ravages of time, but also external factors – such as exposure to the sun and salt, which we discuss here – that lead to aging with mathematical precision.

Injectable deep hydration: Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

For immediate facial hydration, the most effective solution is offered by the application of mesotherapy and hyaluronic acid. Mesotherapy can be applied to various parts of the face, neck and décolleté.

How it is done: The application is done with syringes, which have a very small and thin needle, so that the ingredients penetrate better into the fatty tissue and have immediate and visible results. It is a completely painless method and the multivitamin preparations used are completely safe and tone the skin. The addition of hyaluronic acid, in the cocktail of nutrients, has the effect of retaining water in the skin, resulting in deep hydration.

Duration of effect: The effect lasts from 4 to 6 months.

Mesotherapy PRP Dracula Therapy

PRP mesotherapy is autologous mesotherapy, as it is based on our own blood and focuses on its valuable components, giving nourishment to our skin.

How it is done: The doctor takes a small sample of blood, just as it is done in a simple general blood test. The blood is then centrifuged and separated into red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets. The so-called autologous mesotherapy is based on the growth factors contained in the platelets together with the plasma. This rich PRP mixture is injected with a very small and fine needle at different levels in the skin, on the face, neck and décolleté. Thus, an increase in elasticity, collagen production, but also shine is achieved.

Duration of effect: Its result lasts longer than any other traditional mesotherapy, thanks to its autologous action and lasts up to a year.

“Erasing” wrinkles with botox and hyaluronic

Botox and hyaluronic acid erase wrinkles and protect existing ones from getting deeper.

Botox: Botox acts on the muscle, inhibits the transmission of the nerve impulse and prevents contractions. It is aimed at women and men of any age and fights expression wrinkles, when fatigue around the eyes and forehead area is now visible. Botox treatment is a safe, non-invasive application, since the amount of drug used is negligible and completely controlled. The procedure takes a few minutes and involves fine injections in the area between the forehead, forehead or eyes, which immobilize the muscles that cause wrinkles. Then we continue our activities normally, since the treatment leaves no traces and does not require specific precautions after its application. In the following days, a gradual reduction of expression wrinkles is observed and the results last for approximately 6 to 8 months.

Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid is quite widespread on the face, to correct the so-called nasolabial folds, i.e. the deep lines that start from the nose and go towards the mouth. It is also applied to emphasize the cheekbones on the face, which due to weight loss or due to the aging process have lost their volume. Return to work and daily activities is immediate. There is a chance that after the application some small ecchymosis or bruising may appear, which, however, will gradually subside. The effect lasts up to a year.


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