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Response from the Istanbul Medical Chamber to the claims of “cholera epidemic in the earthquake zone” (What is cholera, what are its symptoms?)

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After allegations of cholera, one of the diseases with the highest risk of being seen after natural disasters, Istanbul Medical ChamberAn explanation came from.

Istanbul Medical Chamber (ITO) made a statement on its social media account; “The ITO teams in Adıyaman did not confirm the information that there was a cholera epidemic after the #earthquake. Let’s take care to avoid information pollution.” used the phrases.

"Cholera epidemic in the earthquake zone" Istanbul Medical Chamber's response to the allegations (What is cholera, what are its symptoms?) - 1


angryIt is an acute and severe diarrheal disease due to intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. angryIt can easily spread and cause death in communities affected by war, poverty and natural disasters living in crowded environments.

Cholera is more likely to occur where water and personal hygiene are inadequate. It has a high risk of being seen in areas where there is camp life, especially in communities with insufficient water hygiene, immigrants and population groups with no settled order, and after natural disasters such as excessive rain, flood, earthquake, where the sewage system mixes with drinking and utility water. Improving the living conditions of the at-risk population and public education are essential in preventing the disease.

"Cholera epidemic in the earthquake zone" Response to the allegations of the Istanbul Medical Chamber (What is cholera, what are its symptoms?) - 2


Cholera is transmitted by oral ingestion of cholera agents that can cause infection. Infection is usually transmitted through fecal-contaminated water. Contamination occurs by drinking this water directly or by eating contaminated food. Food that comes into contact with the dirty hands of infected people can also transmit the disease. No human-to-human transmission of cholera has been observed by direct contact (eg, shaking hands, touching, or when treating a sick person). The incubation period can range from a few hours to five days but is usually 2-3 days. Contagion continues as long as the cholera agent is present in the stool. Although the agent can be seen in the stool until a few days after recovery, sometimes the carrier can last for months. Effective antibiotics shorten the contagious period.

"Cholera epidemic in the earthquake zone" Response to the allegations of the Istanbul Medical Chamber (What is cholera, what are its symptoms?) - 3


Most cholera infections are mild. Patients may have no symptoms or only mild diarrhea. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, profuse and frequent defecation with the appearance of rice water, thirst due to loss of water, mineral and salt, muscle cramps can be seen.

However, in some patients, the disease begins with severe watery diarrhea and vomiting, resulting in large amounts of fluid and salt loss from the body. The patient feels thirsty, urine output stops, a rapid weight loss and fluid loss develops. In severe cases of cholera, cramps often occur in the stomach, arms and legs. In these people, dehydration and shock occur due to the rapid loss of body fluids. If left untreated, it can result in death within hours.
