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Relatives of earthquake victims will be able to get information from e-Nabız

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The health status of those affected by the earthquake in 10 provinces centered in Kahramanmaraş and the information of the health institutions they are located, are given by their first and second degree relatives. has been announced that it can be reached from .

The warning made on the website of e-Nabız included the following statements:

“Natural Disaster Information field has been added to your e-Pulse profile in order to get information about the health status of your relatives and the health institution where they are located in relation to the earthquakes that occurred in our country on February 6th.

Relatives of earthquake victims will be able to get information from e-Nabız - 1

With this area, it is aimed to provide general information about the health status of your relatives (mother, father, spouse, sibling, child) related to the disaster.

Relatives of earthquake victims will be able to get information from e-Nabız - 2

This information about your relative’s health status, which is provided via e-Nabız, is not precise and is shared with you in order to ensure the flow of information in this process where all health personnel and citizens are mobilized. You are kindly requested to confirm the health status of your relatives from the relevant health institution.

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