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Quince Seed Mask Recipe

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Quince Seed Mask Recipe It is a mask suitable for all skin types. It eliminates the oily skin problem of oily skin, helps to maintain the moisture balance of dry skin, and is very effective in solving skin problems such as acne and pimples. Below are the different quince seed masks that you can use according to your skin structure, you can try the one that suits you.

Quince Seed Mask for All Skin Types

Necessary materials

  • 2 tablespoons of quince seeds
  • 1 glass of rose water
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped licorice root
  • 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil
Quince Seed Mask Preparation and Application

Pumpkin Mask Recipe

Mix quince seeds, licorice root and rose water in a bowl and let them rest overnight. The next day, strain the quince seeds in the mixture. Add wheat germ oil to this mixture that you have filtered and mix until it reaches a spreadable consistency. Apply the quince seed mask you have prepared by feeding it on your face. After keeping the mask on your skin for 25 minutes, finish the application by washing your face with warm water. Thanks to this mask, which you will do once a week, your skin will become clean and smooth, if you have acne problems, it will help them to pass in a short time and will prevent the formation of new acne.

Quince Seed Mask for Oily Skin

Necessary materials

  • 1.5 tablespoons of quince seeds
  • 1 egg white

Construction and Application

Grind the quince seeds into powder and mix them with egg white in a glass bowl. Keep stirring with the help of a spoon until it foams well. Apply the mask you have prepared by massaging your face and wait for 20 minutes, then wash it with warm water and clean it well. Thanks to this mask, lubrication of the skin is prevented, clogged skin pores are cleaned and large pores become more obscure by shrinking.

Suna Dumankaya Skin Masks

Quince Seed Mask for Dry Skin

Necessary materials

  • 1 tablespoon crushed quince seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of almond oil

Construction and Application

Mix quince seed powder and almond oil well in a bowl. Then apply it to your face with gentle movements and wait for it to act on your face for about 1 hour, then rinse it off with plenty of water. You can also use this mask, which helps to maintain the moisture balance of dry skin, for your skin that is dry from the sun and loses its vitality and moisture in summer.

You can apply it according to your skin’s needs. quince seed mask recipes Thanks to this, you can have a cleaner, healthier and smoother skin.


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