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Dec 24
How to take care of acne-prone skin?

[ad_1] Caring for acne-prone skinIt should be done with extreme care, because…

Dec 24
Perfect Beauty With Turmeric Mask

[ad_1] turmeric maskDue to the antioxidant it contains, it cleans the skin deeply and…

Dec 24
What is the Ramadan Diet? How To

[ad_1] What is the Ramadan Diet? How To It is different from normal daily nutrition…

Dec 24
How to Make Homemade Leg Firms? Legendary Recipe

[ad_1] How to Make Homemade Leg Firms? Legendary Recipe Our legs, like other parts of…

Dec 24
How to Choose Foundation Suitable for Skin Type?

[ad_1] How to Choose Foundation Suitable for Skin Type? FoundationIt is a method…

Dec 24
The driver who does not give way to the ambulance may face the crime of “causing death”

[ad_1] Especially in Istanbul and throughout the country, the images of the drivers…

Dec 24
Blood test kit that can detect signs of Alzheimer’s approved in Japan

[ad_1] Japan Health The Department of Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has approved a blood…

Dec 23
Reply to criticism of ‘appointment sanction’ from Minister Koca

[ad_1] The Ministry of Health has started to impose sanctions on those who do not go…

Dec 23
What is the urethra? What causes urethral stricture, what are the treatment methods?

[ad_1] WHAT IS URETHRA? WHAT CAUSES URETHRA stricture? The urethra is the name of the…

Dec 23
What is septum deviation?, How is deviation surgery performed?

[ad_1] WHAT IS SEPTUM DEVIATION? Septum deviation is a situation where breathing…