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Tag: hospital

Dec 28
Density in hospitals in China is extremely high

[ad_1] Density in hospitals in China is extremely high [ad_2] Source link

Dec 27
It has been announced that some hospitals in Germany may go bankrupt

[ad_1] According to the report published by the German Hospitals Association (DKG), 56…

Dec 27
Foreign assistant doctors are in trouble

[ad_1] Melike Sahin/Istanbul Foreign assistant doctors whose salaries are half the…

Dec 27
Online examination period in Çapa

[ad_1] Istanbul Medical Faculty started remote examination. Those who cannot find an…

Dec 27
Statement from Minister Koca on the supply shortage in medicine

[ad_1] Want a second news! Minister of Health Fahrettin Kocareiterated his statement…

Dec 27
New step from China that loosened restrictions: “Relegated” Covid-19

[ad_1] ChineseAs a new sign of the change of direction in the Covid-19 policy, it has…

Dec 26
What is spina bifida? What are the symptoms and treatment methods?

[ad_1] SPİNA BİFİDA WHY? Spina bifida means split or open spine. It is one of the most…

Dec 24
The driver who does not give way to the ambulance may face the crime of “causing death”

[ad_1] Especially in Istanbul and throughout the country, the images of the drivers…

Dec 23
Reply to criticism of ‘appointment sanction’ from Minister Koca

[ad_1] The Ministry of Health has started to impose sanctions on those who do not go…

Dec 23
What is ultrasound? In which diseases is it used?

[ad_1] WHAT IS ULTRASOUND? Ultrasound is an imaging method that uses high-frequency…