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Tag: Health

Feb 19
Kızılay shared the current locations of mobile health vehicles.

[ad_1] Red Crescentshared the list of current locations of mobile health vehicles in…

Feb 11
What is a field hospital, what is it used for? Why is the field hospital established?

[ad_1] A field hospital is a temporary military hospital or mobile health unit where…

Feb 05
Black women had different depression symptoms

[ad_1] black womenof less obvious depression It was revealed in a new study that it…

Feb 02
Prison sentence for 4 people who sold 11,000 fake Covid-19 health licenses in France

[ad_1] According to the news in the French press, the Court of Nanterre tried 5 people…

Feb 01
BREAKING NEWS: Approval for a new drug in the treatment of SMA

[ad_1] Want a second news! A drug was approved by the SMA Scientific Committee, and a…

Jan 25
BioNTech denies it will leave Germany

[ad_1] BioNTech Corporate Communications Vice President Jasmina Alatovic stated that…

Jan 24
Why it’s not safe to use saliva as a lubricant during sex –

[ad_1] Saliva may seem like a harmless addition to your own natural lubrication, but…

Jan 19
7 things your nails can reveal about your health –

[ad_1] Regular nail care and proper hygiene is very important for their good health.…

Jan 08
Research: Cooking on gas stoves at home causes asthma

[ad_1] A study conducted in the United States compared the health effects of indoor…