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Tag: disorder

Nov 18
How sex and sleep can help your migraines –

[ad_1] The World Health Organization reports that 1 in 7 adults worldwide is affected…

Oct 05
Why many women may not have an orgasm? –

[ad_1] According to Rowland, Cempel and Tempel, as reviewed in their recent study…

Sep 26
For what reasons you might find yourself in a sexless marriage –

[ad_1] Many couples experience a decline in sex and physical intimacy within the first…

Jul 25
Loss of libido: When men don’t want sex –

[ad_1] The desire for sex – h libido – tends to decrease with age in men. A 2019 study…

May 27
How can low sexual desire in women and men be treated? –

[ad_1] What are the symptoms of low sex drive? Sexual desire in women is more complex…

May 15
What causes low sex drive? –

[ad_1] What constitutes “low” (or underactive) sexual desire is relative.…

Mar 28
The 5 forms of sexual dysfunction in women –

[ad_1] Sexual dysfunction does not only afflict men. It is estimated that 43% of women…

Mar 23
Menopause and reduced libido: How to stimulate it –

[ad_1] A significant decrease in sexual desire occurs during climacteric and…

Mar 11
Sex while you sleep? But it can be done! –

[ad_1] This is not a joke, but a sleep disorder, called sexsomnia, sexsomnia in Greek.…

Feb 25
Are you addicted to sex? See the signs –

[ad_1] Sex addiction defined as the lack of control over sexual thoughts, urges and…