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Ozone therapy strengthens the immune system (What is ozone therapy and how is it applied?)

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Ozone gas in the atmosphere layer acts as a shield against the high-energy and harmful rays of the sun, and is used in many industrial processes such as cleaning water due to its disinfecting feature.

Health This gas, which is produced from pure oxygen in special generators in the field, is used in medicine as ozone therapy, as it has strong oxidizing properties. While ozone therapy destroys microorganisms in the human body, it also neutralizes toxins.


Ozone (O3), which is in gaseous form at room temperature and consists of three oxygen atoms, is converted into applications that will support treatment methods in medicine because it carries a higher energy than a molecule and oxygen (O2).

With a method called ozone therapy, ozone gas can play an active role in the treatment of many diseases in the body. This method, which was developed by German doctors at the end of the 19th century and then became widespread in Europe and America, is used in many countries of the world today.

Ozone therapy is an auxiliary treatment method that is applied in the form of injection of ozone gas produced from pure oxygen in special generators to the area to be treated under the supervision of a specialist physician. With the introduction of ozone gas into the body, intracellular communication can be regulated, the immune system can be strengthened, inflammation can be reduced and toxins can be cleaned. Ozone therapy is frequently used in the treatment of infections, vascular occlusions, wound healing and rheumatic diseases. Ozone therapy, which can also be applied to cancer patients, reduces the side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy and can improve the quality of life of patients.


Ozone therapy is a very safe and effective treatment method when applied in the right dose and method. Making a statement on the subject, one of the specialist physicians of Yaman Surgical Medical Center, Dr. Ethem Akkol stated that this application is used in the treatment of many diseases and listed these health problems as follows:

Immune imbalances, regulation of the immune system and immunodeficiency

· Hepatit B, Hepatit C, Herpes Zorter ve Herpes Simplex

· Cancer

· Anti-aging


Dental diseases

Ischemic pains

Chronic fatigue

· Herniated disc

· Hair loss

· Rheumatic disorders

Fibroids and irregular menstrual bleeding

Neurological diseases

Bacterial and fungal infections

Circulatory system disorders


Ozone therapy strengthens the immune system (What is ozone therapy and how is it applied?) - 1Dr. Ethem Akkol

Accelerates the healing process of chronic diseases

Ozone therapy regulates intracellular communication by supporting antioxidant systems in cases of increased oxidative stress in the body. It can reduce inflammatory processes. Since it increases the oxygen carrying capacity and blood fluidity of blood cells, it also plays an active role in the healing of diseases caused by oxygen deficiency.

The treatment, which reduces the risk of vascular occlusion with its vasodilating effect, interacts with fat cells and helps regional fat burning. It can lower blood sugar levels and relieve joint pain. It is effective in accelerating the healing process of chronic diseases.


Ozone therapy can increase the body’s resistance to diseases by activating the body’s self-healing mechanism. It is used as an auxiliary method for the destruction of cancerous cells, as it provides oxygen to the cells by stimulating the metabolism. Ozone therapy, which is also preferred in the treatment of circulatory and respiratory system disorders, reduces the symptoms of pain and numbness, especially in the foot region of diabetics.

It supports comfortable breathing as it increases the oxygen level in the blood. It can prevent hair loss by strengthening the hair follicles. Ozone therapy sessions, which support all systems in the body, take an average of 15 to 20 minutes. The type of application, its duration and the application area may differ depending on the type of discomfort. This therapy is very effective in solving health problems as well as increasing the quality of life.
